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The Globe Inn, Weymouth

Still very much an older crowd of locals and passers by especially in the summer
Bar staff are slightly eccentric in my opinion but harmless
Lots of real ales and being Dorset has a fair selection of ciders on tap and in barrels
Home to a scooter club so often a selection of vintage lamberettas are seen outside
Hard to find but you’ll like what you see and guzzle

3 Jul 2024 17:40

The Butchers Arms, Yeovil

Looking at the photo you’d think the pub was in the middle of nowhere but it’s right in the middle of the town.Very small with an open fire making winter evenings cosy.Always a warm welcome and a fine selection of ales on the hand pumps.
Not many pubs left in Yeovil now but this one is making a good effort not to become another boarded up and forgotten local

8 May 2024 21:55

The Armoury Inn, Yeovil

Large spacious and friendly locals pub with a good selection of beers.Went in two nights running and was remembered by the barmaid and she also remembered what I drank.Would definitely be a local for me if I lived in the area
I did hear the new owners had improved the place and it used to be a dive but now it’s probably the best pub in the town

8 May 2024 21:49

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wooser has been registered on this site since 8th August 2016