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BITE user profile - fester54

Profile information

Username: fester54

Age: 65

Sex: ?

Latest comments by fester54

The Manchester, Blackpool

OK if your on the lash with lads but keep the wife away from there at all costs, she`ll clock on what a good time you have with the lads there.

15 Apr 2007 18:47

The George Inn, Wednesbury

Empty all the week at night full at weekends. Attracts the all day hardened Wednesbury drinking fraternity from 9.00am onwards.

They alternate between here and W.spoons over the way although W.spoons price rises are keeping them away from there. We were told they put the prices up at W.spoons to keep the all dayers out.

15 Apr 2007 18:37

The Hamstead, Hamstead

Good place out off the beaten track if you are cheating on the wife. Architecture on this place was done by my dear old Uncle Norman years ago.

15 Apr 2007 18:33

See all comments by fester54

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fester54 has been registered on this site since 15th April 2007