BITE user comments - forcam
Comments by forcam
Longs Wine Bar and Bistro / Jazz Cellar, Lymington
RIP Longs 2012 end of a Leged - Yep, that is what it says!! Hardly surprising, late night licence revoked, worst place in town for Police involvement. Claims that the place can only work properly when open 10 pm to 2 am! No real ale, fights, bouncers, loud music. Somebody buy the place and turn it into a Belgian Cellar Bar with proper imported quality craft beers, fruit beers, decent small brewery beers and no mass produced crap please. I still remember superb lunchtime cottage pies washed down with Weedkiller!!
20 Feb 2012 23:19
New tenants Keith and Tricia have turned this pub round. 4 rapidly rotating ales in superb condition including one free of tie handpump for local (not Ringwood) ales. Food is traditional and excellent value. Open all day so get in there!
19 Feb 2012 10:11
Lovely surprise to see this is now the home of Halfpenny Brewery thanks to big posters outside and being opposite the junction I arrived from. Was driving so restricted to a half of Thames Tickler and a third of the Anniversary ale but 6 beers on, invite to look at brewery in courtyard and made very welcome by varied clientele. Definitely worth a diversion.
17 Aug 2010 22:15
Decided to impress my partner by taking her to this old favourite of mine. Never will go on a Sunday lunchtime again, glad we did not want to eat as bar too crowded and food stopped early as had run out before normal time of 3pm. Nice Otley O2 guest ale plus others I could not see through the crowd. Pestered by wasps outside. Will wait until winter when the grockles have cleared off.
17 Aug 2010 22:11
Had good value stay for weekend. Accommodation excellent, food excellent value, staff very friendly and efficient making us feel at home. Nice surprise Greene King LBW in top condition in addition to untried Abbot and Old Speckled Hen. Do not care if staff are mainly Eastern European as the place is run impeccably.
17 Aug 2010 22:05
Reports are best from people who actually go into the pub rather than digging up the past. Prices have dropped, food, ale and service remain impeccable. Pub now nominated for CAMRA LocAle scheme due to guest beer policy. Get back in there and see for yourself.
7 Apr 2010 16:38
The Red Lion Hotel, Milford on Sea
This has been the best pub in the village for years. 10 years run by Paul and June Lines as a traditional pub with home prepared and cooked food all at reasonable prices. Opening hours are the traditional times although may shut Sunday evenings in the winter. Rapidly changing guest beer (Weltons, Butts, Scatterock and many other breweries) accompanies Ringwood Best and London Pride. Good conversation and welcoming regulars.
25 Jun 2009 12:11
Reopened on May 11th after major flood damage refurbishment. Not cheap but good value for food that I tried. Imaginative menu, I had Asparagus Risotto with Pearl Barley and Peas (�9.95). Looked lost in big bowl but quantity spot on. Excellent pudding of, I think, Baklakis? Two lovely pastry triangles containing honey and served with pistachio ice cream (�4.95). Ale was excellent although too expensive to attract the average beer drinker (1/2 Ringwood Best �1.60, guess the guest was more but forgot to check my change). Young manager Steve seemed totally at ease with environment despite being surrounded by company suits all evening checking things were being done the "Alcatraz" way. Total autonomy on one guest ale - Hop Back Crop Circle was on to be followed by Elderquad, presumably from Downton then looking at Andwell! Superb news! Only criticisms - candle lit on table without me being asked (get burning sensations in eyes with naked flame) although the table was dimly lit. And asparagus tips were burnt - actually enhanced the flavour so may have been intentional though. Will definitely return - loyalty card scheme �10 off a bill after 10 x �10 spent. Local produce also a big plus. More a dining experience than a pub but I don't care - this should be a winner.
16 May 2009 23:50
The return of the village pub! At last this has reverted back to what it used to be - a pub, not a fake gastropub. A seperate room to drink without having to eat. Get back in there.
16 May 2009 23:34
If people actually tried tasting and drinking the very well kept ale (at the cheapest price in town despite the fortune spent on the place) instead of all the fizzy rubbish of the advertising clowns and latest fashion then the handpumps might become more prominent than the chemical pipe contraptions. If in town this is the first place I would choose to eat (after Prezzo which is always full). The food is imaginative, well presented, tasty and exceptional value for money. There is adequate room to find a table away from all the hooray henrys and I find the whole place a pleasure to patronise. Keep pushing those ales - hope London Pride promotion night on 28 May is a success although beyond me why London Pride needs to be promoted - presume no small breweries allowed entry into yet another brewery tie.
16 May 2009 23:29
Hogs Back Tea very hazy and bits in bottom of glass. Certainly not worth the �1.60 for a half. Very friendly and pleasant surroundings but would have been happier having a pot of tea.
16 May 2009 23:18
Used to be my local for many, many years but stopped going in as beer awful and service indifferent. Thank goodness Mike is in now and actually knows how to run a pub. No more screaming babies, dogs or mobile phones behind the bar. Pity still Courage stuff there but at last starting to get some beers in that are not off the Courage list. Consistent quality still to be achieved but will probably come as alienated former customers start to return.
16 May 2009 23:10
The Waggon and Horses, Lymington
Seems to be picking up nicely with 3 ales now on including a regular guest from Wadworth stable. Pussers Spearfish on my visit - unusual but very well kept. Great enthusiasm about ale and the current state of the pub trade with appropriate literature in prominance. Friendly and welcoming.
16 May 2009 22:59
The Fisherman's Rest, Lymington
Popped in as passing by. Excellent pint of Seafarers Ale filled to the brim. Full measures seem to have been the norm for some time now. Stopped going there about a year ago because of the short measures and no interest in the customers by the staff. Much friendlier now.
16 May 2009 22:48
The Lantern Pike Inn, Little Hayfield
Well worth the walk from Glossop along a dangerous road but well served by the bus service if I had looked first. My favourite mild, Moorhouses Black Cat in excellent condition, a huge bowl stuffed with chicken, bacon, caeser salad and strawberries and a most attractive and friendly waitress - what more could be asked. Even the dead leaves were being replaced on the trees (well they had disappeared when I came out!)
5 Apr 2009 22:33
Well worth seeking out and fully deserved GBG listed pub. Otter was absolutely superb (beer that is, not food). Very generous and value for money Fishermans Pie and the Black Forest Mountain (Wow!!). Staff very friendly.
5 Apr 2009 22:28
What is going on here? GBG listed but after making effort to find the place after a long drive from the East Midlands all I find is three hand pumps turned round and one with Black Sheep "coming soon" - I suppose it is lambing season but not an ale even in the cellar? I am sure the party in the week can't have drunk all the ale! Seemed friendly enough but not much effort in keeping the stock up to speed.
3 Apr 2009 17:43
What a feast of local ales is being offered here. Now a LocAle establishment accredited by CAMRA. Bowmans Nutz and Goddards Special have flown out of the door recently. Always two rapidly changing guest ales now on, not usually seen or served anywhere else near the place. Ale is always served in top condition. May is Mild Month - I await with anticipation! Open all day (including breakfasts!) and there is a bus back to Lymington at 23.45!
3 Apr 2009 17:38
First visit to find Andrew and Kerry as new mine hosts having come in 2 1/2 months ago from East London. Very friendly and beer (4 ales) top class. Tried Palmers Copper Ale as driving and only 3.7 abv. Andrew is very keen on real ale and looks to be bringing in guest ales in near future. Food was good. Will certainly be back shortly.
20 Aug 2008 21:24
Regularly changing guest ale in addition to Ringwood Best and 49er. Fine example of a community pub for all ages with top quality ale and snacks available at all times. Very friendly. Live sporting events on TV. Occasionally volume of TV and/or background music can interfere with evening conversation, hence 8 not 9 rating.
16 Aug 2008 21:29
A welcome and rare traditional two bar pub with a proper landlady and landlord bravely progressing in an awful economic climate for the country pub trade. Not a poncy gastropub but serves generously portioned and good value meals for all tastes. Real ale always includes an unusual guest for area. Currently Altons Pride, Champion Beer of Britain GBBF 2008. Ale quality second to none and not overpriced. Mixed and friendly clientele. On live wire music circuit on Friday nights. Takes opening hours freedom seriously. Single TV used sparingly and unobtrusively. A gem worth travelling to for a relaxing time.
16 Aug 2008 21:19
The Forest Heath Hotel, Sway
Conversion to flats ongoing but new pub - Silver Hind, opened opposite in January 2012
20 Feb 2012 23:21