BITE user comments - bertrand
Comments by bertrand
what a caque place this was , run by some right weirdos !
24 Jun 2015 22:05
The Cricketers Inn, Westcliff on Sea
Visited this tiny Pub last Saturday evening. I had seen it many times in the day and its name combined with some unusual architecture made me want to visit.
It seems as if its a Pub that is not sure where it wants to be. It has a very nice oldy worldy feel to it yet it trys to emulate the latest flashin, singin creations that are found everywhere.
Anyhow I was at least expeting a decent pint and was very disappointed with the lack of real beer so much so that I settled for the gassed and chilled Stella which plesant enough is no comparison to a real ale Pub. The service was friendly enough yet I felt so out of place that I left after the 1 pint and decide that it probably makes for a better day time Pub than the evening one.
To be fair, although I'm not quite my century - yet! I think that it's appeal lies to the younger lager drinkin clientelle.
24 Jun 2015 22:04
Bar Victoria Court, Southend on Sea
Visited this tiny Pub last Saturday evening. I had seen it many times in the day and its name combined with some unusual architecture made me want to visit.
It seems as if its a Pub that is not sure where it wants to be. It has a very nice oldy worldy feel to it yet it trys to emulate the latest flashin, singin creations that are found everywhere.
Anyhow I was at least expeting a decent pint and was very disappointed with the lack of real beer so much so that I settled for the gassed and chilled Stella which plesant enough is no comparison to a real ale Pub. The service was friendly enough yet I felt so out of place that I left after the 1 pint and decide that it probably makes for a better day time Pub than the evening one.
To be fair, although I'm not quite my � century - yet! I think that it's appeal lies to the younger lager drinkin clientelle.
24 Jun 2015 22:03
Buffalo's Head Ale House, Gravesend
Visited this tiny Pub last Saturday evening. I had seen it many times in the day and its name combined with some unusual architecture made me want to visit.
It seems as if its a Pub that is not sure where it wants to be. It has a very nice oldy worldy feel to it yet it trys to emulate the latest flashin, singin creations that are found everywhere.
Anyhow I was at least expeting a decent pint and was very disappointed with the lack of real beer so much so that I settled for the gassed and chilled Stella which plesant enough is no comparison to a real ale Pub. The service was friendly enough yet I felt so out of place that I left after the 1 pint and decide that it probably makes for a better day time Pub than the evening one.
To be fair, although I'm not quite my � century - yet! I think that it's appeal lies to the younger lager drinkin clientelle.
24 Jun 2015 22:03
The Admiral Jellicoe, Canvey Island
Came here tonight with daughter and son in law for the Wednesday night quiz.
Pub seems so much better than the last experience we had a year or so ago.
Sharps Atlantic was delicious , only had two real ales on offer (two hand pumps), however there was a selection of bottled ales on the back bar.
Like last year , the pub appears very past it's date on the outside , but once inside that 'perception' changes dramatically.
Landlord seemed to be a nice chap as was the barmaid.
Will definitely be back in the near future for the Quiz again- we had a great night.
24 Jun 2015 21:59
The King Canute, Canvey Island
Drove past and had two feet tall weeds against the windows and doors, and a lorry load of abandoned tyres. What a dump!
24 Jun 2015 21:53
nothink sbeshial but it was had four me to get dink from bar becorse im handy cap in welchair
17 Oct 2013 19:55
vary good pub and helpid me corse i am disbled and in whale chair and bringid my drunks to my tayball
15 Oct 2013 14:28
The Castle in The Air, Fareham
dugs alowed in her and givid woter for dugs wich wash nice
food wash horriball ann over pryced and stff downt help disbled pople and was angree because thay wash busy
thay are rushions oh ner
15 Oct 2013 14:26
kite offen yong poeple her and jus haggin abot but thay dinking cidar and smoekin i fink thay ony yong lik 14 or 15
thay hav no disbled toylet for disbled poeple
thay seld sto fud cidar an is best
15 Oct 2013 14:22
eye ad sondee dinner ear and it wos volting and dergusting the chikin was blud and orrid culer and cood have kild me.
avoyd if yo went to sty alyv
15 Oct 2013 10:18
tHis pube is my fayvrite pube in lofiled and is pople funy. they alowdid dugs and gived woter for dugs bar gurl wos a bitt rood bee corse i am disballed in welchair an i codont reech bar two odour my drink she codont heer me and tehn man teld her wat i arsded for and she mowned and tehn wudnt bing my dink ovar to tay ball becorse my hand is disbled to an i ned over hand to you s welchair. but nick man bunged my dink and chayng to my tay ball.
the pub dusnyt have toylet for disballed poeple ans bar gurl wos not happy bee corse i am
15 Oct 2013 10:03
came in here butt somtoimes their arse a fue wanqers woo spoyool it
20 Nov 2008 15:38
or came in here went it was quiet bushy and and fife dirnks but their har a lot of files in the toplets
18 Nov 2008 16:10
i donut argee wit 'h pert walrock cemment we nnly comee her with a pant
event tog we did no boing how dog's we did git to see the queer in her place
we doid not hait this pube ant the man wold veiwy smart
5 Nov 2008 16:24
on how hodilay we went pu lonion, we di dnott ake how dog's becorse lay arse note alloyed in bunkinhkam palce onley if lay arse the qweens. this is an rarely old pube like smoting howt of charlos dickheans ant the man woo surfed us had whoite her and a mosetarsh
me ant my fiend curles, tired nop too laruff
PANTS we siad
we stoyed her for an our and at ner the widow at the fornt and saw a main woo oked a bit lick pirints phellps
Atfer that we welked st jamis
25 Sep 2008 17:26
on my fiend mary bertday we all came in her. we sat down and wayted fur the lady to come. we wayted for about too ours. wend the lady combed over she was agnry sayed YOU CANNOT BIRNGE DOG'S IN HER, GET HOWT
their was a big roll ant mary dog larncer bit the lady and the polish cames and took larnce to hot kernel. mary hand to poy fiftey poind in a coolt to get larnce bake?
24 Sep 2008 15:51
theres is how favuriyte pum in sorft lonion it is camplewell chorch stree nere the chorch tear r lost off farts foad howt lets her in the pube is gooljouse and efyrboady doed boinge their dog's ant lay all run a round and the manger lauaghs and do ed claps her hands
it is run porperley and perfesnal but smu poalpe doed duggs ant look scarry. but thiers is deffnatley won off how favuriyte packles in sorft lonion
24 Sep 2008 15:44
near her is goalden girdle keb,b is roight necxt door to this pube the pube is big inside and the lowcows are reelly fiendly the tallest doed small abit but you can birng dog's in her so we cold birng hours.
a cross the road are mere shoops were you can do smu shooppinge and goed bake to tha pube. the donks are waram bert tatsy and teah starf r heary but police.
smungtimes tear are farts howt side
24 Sep 2008 15:38
we comb her otfen and are hallways maid to phill very whelcomb, the , starff are rarely police and and fiendly . we hallways look fullwords to combing her
4 Sep 2008 18:18
we used to comb her sombtimes nail it as chainged it looks difffrent form the how terside, their har stall seats and a gordon but it is a knew color nail
4 Sep 2008 18:13
The Uplands Bar and Brasserie, East Dulwich
i dont argree with htet coment# it is alrigt here u can birnge yure dog's here and they let them off teh lod they can dirnk water here and the manger ploys with them, the satff r fiencdly and the alwaets simile and the fode er wut r noce, it is goo here
7 Oct 2007 17:59
itm is quiet goo here, the food is alrigt and sataff are renley refndley we can'not birng how dogs here but we comb here anywey, you cand sit near the widow ant watch all the pople go passed, it is no to dear here
7 Oct 2007 17:55
The Fox on the Hill, Denmark Hill
e came here atfer going the hposital it's up on t/he hill and you can sea it form fart awy; the dirinks here are rarely cheep but it too k us 3o minuetes to get surfed, we sat howt sige wiyh how dog's
12 Sep 2007 15:37
on my fernds fiftieyth we came here atfer gong the hold-vic! we all satat the back and had a right lauge at the pople heir the dirnks where quiet bnice bert it were esxpsnive in this pub
10 Sep 2007 15:26
we came in here when we werent the west-/end, we had to take how dog's that day becaude how fiend could'nt look atfer them when we got tob the pub the barman sayd we couul/dnt birng how dog's in near� i think that is no-t rite
10 Sep 2007 15:22
The Pilgrim Bar & Kitchen, Kennington
we came in here and we fought it was alrigt, i twas better then it was be-fore and wee did,nt see anny dog poo or heir or anth,ing it was quiet good
4 Sep 2007 16:21
we liked thi place' they alloiwed us to biring how dog';s in here and let them run aoround/ we had a nice time here
29 Aug 2007 14:18
The Black Cherry Bar, East Dulwich
we come here with how doc's but the'y woulsndt let us in?
28 Aug 2007 14:33
we quiet liket t' his pub , we werent to the cuttie ark but it was closed, then we took how dogs to the pork, the peoli were studnts and quiet loid the torlest erwe clern but thier is on smokign he're
23 Aug 2007 14:49
we come here wiht how freinds from pekham, it was were del-boy ant rondey are form, the pum is the same as only fooles and horsers , they do'nty do pizza! here it is quiet big and it is near t'e chikceb place and cinese is ar'gross the road, thyre are bus tops here and train starton, thier are lo'ts of butcher to do shoppinge and to get stu'ff>
23 Aug 2007 14:36
The Crystal Palace Tavern, East Dulwich
this is a big pube with a gorden were ypu can smoke i'st near dullitch sakton and near pekom it i's no near citsal palce you can birng ure dogs here
21 Aug 2007 16:57
we come here quiet alot it is ! of our beast places in this hairier it is near teh busstops qans their are ciken shops and chi-knnes takawae hear the pople are ferndley the torlest art cleaned the marnager is fernley and the barfasts are. it is near the hospitle but has no dart bored or paul aor cardes,
16 Aug 2007 16:29
unsed to come here along time ag o, it as changed nail their is pizza! here and alot of dirnks their is a quze-night and combftbell seats/ it is quiet deer here but is near the busstopds, thier are no trian stakton in this hairier
16 Aug 2007 16:23
this is a small bart that looks onto the road, we came he're in the sumner but how dogs were not alloyed in here so we sat how tside and smoked, it was quiet nice her and naut the busses so it.s easey to go home
15 Aug 2007 18:20
we camin he re with how dog,s atfer going to the dllitch park the drink iher is quiet nice and the pople heir where youngbut fiendly, everyone was talkind loud sowe had to take how dog,s ouside because they starred berkind but it did dnt spoyall our time the fode heir was taste there were no littql pople heir all hor hor hor
15 Aug 2007 18:16
we have only been in the pub 1 to do a quze we did nt winbut we had a nice time, the laddie was nice and the pople hair were quiet old so their was no torble, thier are no train sakton heir but the busses do go passed and the buss stop is no tfart away, the food her is nice and the torlest werr quiet small but cleaned we woul, d come her again but notto do a quze.,
15 Aug 2007 17:53
this ia anther pub in , thr haria, we came hair after the swimming the LiDo and at outside on the bentch to smoke the drink hair was nice and the popol were quiet frendly hair it has cleaned torlest but cou'ldny fined the duke-box, it is not far from the tain stakton and the busses go passed so it easi easy to get home we will came hair again next timewe go to the Lodo
15 Aug 2007 17:46
we went in here because it/s nair the train stakton we sat nair the widow and watched the pople the drinks are nice ant the torlest were clean we stoppe,d for about 2 hous and then we werent home n the train, we will come back to theis pub
15 Aug 2007 17:39
Escape Bar and Art, Herne Hill
we came in here on my freinds brithday< the drink wass nice and the stuff wasfreindly= t is nair the train statkon and is convenent becaus'e of that. also there arse cheinese takaway and chckin sop nair hair the torlest was clean and smellt nice ad the laddie was nice/ we had a nice time
15 Aug 2007 16:28
we went passed here om the bus and it alwaya looks nice, so we tried it, the drinks were nice and the fode was nice the torlest were clean and fersh and the barsafs were frendly we had a lots of drink and went back home on ht-e bus
15 Aug 2007 16:22
we tried this place; it was nice and the dirnks where nice it has big celings and is spasious' the staff was fiendly and welcobing and it was not to deer like some pople say] the torilets were nice and it was relaxed it as no pool table and no dart bored and duke-box
15 Aug 2007 16:18
we went her to watch some comdy but we couldnt find it so we went home
14 Aug 2007 17:45
we went in here for a pizza it is quiet dark here and has no gorden so we couldn ' t smoke 'the pizza was verytasty they have no darts bored or pool and n o carpet they flooboards
14 Aug 2007 17:43
we tired this place a few week , ago, the peoplehere are quiet small but there are a lot of drink but no pool or dar bored the girl beind the bar was very cross we couldnt smoke here but could watch the people go passed with there shopping, some for the boys and girls tiolets did smell a bit and it was very deer
14 Aug 2007 17:39
The East Dulwich Tavern (EDT), Dulwich
came in here with som,e fiends last week we sat on, the outside and smoked inside it 's quite big and spasoius with lot' s of peopele/ upstairs is a caffay but we dident go upstairs it has no pool table or dart-bored and coudnt find the duke-box ^ some people her are funny
14 Aug 2007 17:35
came in here sametimes? it is quiet nice it has no gorden out the back but doed have some tabels and chiars in the front, it has no carpet it has floorboreds, it has no widnowsin the back, this pube has ladiy and man tiolets the mananager is shooln and he is allrigt, the piolice are here sometimes and the duke-box is god. this pub had no dart bored but does had a pool tabel, the drink s her ar@ nice.
14 Aug 2007 16:51
this is quet a nice pub, it has old fashion crarpet and a wooden bar with mettle poles goinng round it. there is toilits lady and mans and there is a gorden were you can smoke, it has a duke-box and a pool table and wart-borad, some old mans sir around the bar and the barmade is young but sometimes older, the ppeple her are fiendly and clean
14 Aug 2007 16:44
live near her, lameth walk closed by and ossie cafe. not a cafe bar. carpet. dogs alloweded, not an old mans pube saturday and fridry music/karoaoke, book new yeer now
14 Aug 2007 16:18
Havent been in her for a while. lasdt time I came was around 6 monts ag o .was quiet a nice time but finisihed too soon.
14 Aug 2007 16:13
All Bar One, Liverpool
I couldnt understan them workers behind bar . They talked in weird voices . Probly to try n be funny.
5 Jul 2016 00:29