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Osidge Arms, Osidge

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user reviews of the Osidge Arms, Osidge

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

It's unrecognisable from my last visit there - it's not much like a pub any more. It seems smaller inside since it's rebuild as the kitchen now takes up a lot of space - the place is now more like a restaurant with bar. Only one real ale available - a choice of London Pride or London Pride, and at £4 a pint well overpriced. Bottled ale like Old Speckled Hen was the same price so I certainly wouldn't go there for a drink. There were very few locals or regulars in the place, and I'm not surprised - this 'pub' just doesn't cater for them any more.
DarkLordOfBarnet - 28 Mar 2014 16:28
Very different to how it used to look.Being refurbished very nicely with random bric-a-brac ranging from ornate mirrors to old fashioned trunks to a parrot in the corner ! Barman was excellent,the music was just right and while I didn't eat there was an excellent looking menu with mainly Turkish dishes on it.It's just sad that there was no real ale available and the Guinness was poor.Kind of funny they spend all this money on refurbishing the pub and I would imagine a lot of cash on the kitchen facilities but then drop the ball on the beer front.I will not be returning to here unless they bring in real ale or i hear the Guinness has improved.
boundsgreenboy - 5 May 2013 16:46
So it�s reopened under the guise of a �restaurant and bar�. Their words, not mine, emblazoned on their lovely little business cards, ironically strewn across the bar with picture perfect precision.

So, that�s what has become of her. A restaurant and bar.

To be fair, it�s been refurbished nicely to a very good standard. Where were once three (then two) pool tables, has now become the dedicated dining area, with the rest of the pub home to sofas and chests masquerading as tables. What�s on offer behind the bar looked exactly the same except for a new cocktail menu.

It�s pleasing then that the main area of the pub has remained available to people who just want to venture in for a drink, but the owners have obviously made a conscious decision not to have any �regular� drinkers as they have dispensed with bar stools. I did go in the day it reopened, so they may not have been delivered/chosen/decided upon � time will tell.

But choosing to have no bar stools will give an air of �move along please, nothing to see here�.

A shame for a pub where once, �at the bar� was the only place to be.

EnfieldTaaaanBlud - 30 Aug 2012 14:22
Unfortunately, The Osidge has been closed for several weeks now.

What will become of her?
EnfieldTaaaanBlud - 11 Jul 2012 14:07
It�s not often I am unsure what to write about a pub. Having thought for some time what to say, I decided simply recollecting my first memory of the pub would be all the illustration I would need.

My first visit to this pub was a pleasant enough experience. I had an hour to kill and this place had a car park, so why not? The service was friendly and polite, the beer cold and nice, and the locals a mixture of indifference and the usual misguided annoyance at there being a �random� in their pub. I took up position at the bar and proceeded to feign interest with what in the blue hell Kerry Katona was now doing (the papers at hand being The Sun and The Mirror). Instead, however, whilst I enjoyed my beer, I listened to what the regulars had to say for themselves. The conversation was pleasing to the ear, or perhaps my mind. It reminded me of my own local or any local, a group of drinkers pretending not to gossip while the barmaid pleaded with them to tell her the juicy details of �Daves� internet date interspersed with comments about there being �something not right� with Dynamo the �wee magic man�.

I think for regular visitors to pubs, it�s a good indication of what you can expect. A friendly local pub to pass the time and enjoy the company of others.

Unfortunately, as it�s not particularly busy, they no longer offer food and you can often find that not everything is available on tap. Sky sports on big flat screens and karaoke on Saturday night however, will hopefully keep this place open for as long as possible.

EnfieldTaaaanBlud - 19 Oct 2011 15:12
I would agree with the last poster this place is much better than the other Pub up the road. This is much more of a Real traditional Pub with a good atmosphere and things I like too see in a Pub Good Staff friendly & welcoming. I will visit again when I'm Passing.
half_tuppence - 11 Oct 2010 01:44
This is not a bad Pub in my opinion its more of a traditional Pub with Pool Darts & TV. I find it much better than the other local horrible Gastro Pubs at least this place don't get full of Young Kids or non drinkers sitting on low stools drinking coffee it seems a proper drinkers Pub had a good selection Of Beers & Lagers but only one Ale on. I found other customers & Staff very welcoming & frendly I would definitely go in here again if I'm in the area as theres no other Real Pubs locally Except the cavalier and thats more of a restaurant for non drinkers.
Alesonly - 7 Aug 2010 00:13
This is a reasonably sized pub with a beer garden hedged off from the main road and a covered terrace. The usual lagers were available, but the two ale pumps were off on my visit.

I found the staff and the regulars to be very offish, like I had just walked into their private members only party.

It has 3 pool tables and a dart board, but quite a few pubs in the area have these facilities so in my opinion there isn�t really any reason to even think of drinking here.
Strongers - 8 May 2008 16:43
very nice pub.we went in with kids,but had to sit in the garden as no kids licence yet.the pub has a carpark so no problem for the driver.the pub had 2 big screens and 3 pool tables (mr Q's)it was a nice pub to drink in,but would like to visit it in the evening.
anonymous - 20 Aug 2005 20:36

got anything to say about this pub?

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