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Friary, Lancaster

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user reviews of the Friary, Lancaster

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

fantastic building as said before,no ale but the building made up for it,7/10
fat_beer_badger - 4 Sep 2011 19:00
Went in there on Saturday night and it appears to have been taken over by what looks like teenagers. 3 rows deep at the bar so didn't stay for a beer.
makinpost - 29 Dec 2008 11:34
This pub could be so much better. Absolutely fantastic building, turned into a (just about) average town pub. The atmosphere's either hollow, or busy busy busy. Selection of drinks isn't great either.
Pint_size - 16 May 2007 22:02
" other comments mention the yellow card scheme,what they do not mention is that if you do not have a yellow card it is bloody expensive,as the name suggests it is an old disused church,I have only been it once and because of the prices shall not be returning not when theirs a spoons round the corner.
bagheas - 19 Jun 2005 10:14
The Friary although has some lagers it doent cater for the real ale drinker. Large pub converted from a church, once owned by the firkin brewery which then sold real ales. The yellow card scheme is not popular with locals who cannot get cheaper beer because they are not students. Friday night why have videos playing on the tv screens dotted around the place with different music played loudly by a dj, not my choice of pub although good for students without taste buds.
boblad - 18 Dec 2004 19:00
The Friary is one of the 90 Scream pubs in the country and is therefore aimed at students and like-minded people. With a great range of draught lagers inc. Coors, Cobra, San Miguel, Stella, Grolsch, Carling and Carslberg it's a haven for those who like choice. Boasting (probably) the largest screen in Lancaster it shows all the major sporting events and the staff are happy to put on any other sport you want to watch on one of the smaller screens. There is a free quiz on Sunday nights and on Monday's nights there is a selection of drinks for only �1 for owners of the famous Yellow card. My choice, any night of the week.
Jim - 7 Sep 2004 19:23

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