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BITE user profile - legaleagle

Profile information

Username: legaleagle

Age: 73

Sex: ?

Latest comments by legaleagle

The Lamb Inn, Eastbourne

Some comments slightly unfair.Nearly all pubs have realised that selling rubbish to rubbish is profitable in days when pub going has lost its appeal.The result ,of course , is that they spiral down in to "stews".

However the bar staff are great and the barmaids are the best and the most beautiful around !!

18 Dec 2007 14:35

The Lamb Inn, Eastbourne

Some comments slightly unfair.Nearly all pubs have realised that selling rubbish to rubbish is profitable in days when pub going has lost it's appeal.The result ,of course , is that they spiral down in to "stews".

However the bar staff are great and the barmaids are the best and the most beautiful around !!

18 Dec 2007 13:07

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legaleagle has been registered on this site since 18th December 2007