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BITE user profile - Sober_Colm

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Latest comments by Sober_Colm

Ye Three Lords, Aldgate

I've only registered on this website so that I could say this:

The vodka was watered down to nothing in there. Was in on Thursday 4th March &, after sampling it myself, had to bring my girlfriends vodka blackcurrant back up to say there was something wrong. I told the bargirl that there was no vodka in it & got her to taster it. She said that there must have neem somethin gwrong with the mixer & gave me another shot of vod.The drink still didn't taste like vodka.

Be warned, if you go in here you are being ripped off.

9 Mar 2010 12:10

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Sober_Colm has been registered on this site since 9th March 2010