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BITE user profile - GPOJ

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Username: GPOJ

Age: 55

Sex: ?

Latest comments by GPOJ

The Oxted Inn, Oxted

interestin that people say it has got better. it is more expensive to eat the reheated 'stuff' that arrives in frozen bags, and the beer costs more than before.. Are there less fights now or do they clean the vomit up more often?

I remember JDW (Tim Martin?) saying that they would have no TVs, no music and be a cheap place for grown ups to go to. He then abolished the 'discount on a double' pricing as it could cause trouble.

We now enjoy wide screen sky news 24/7 and vomiting chav 16 year olds screaming at each other. The 'doubles' promotions are back and in the daytime it is where the DSS checks get spent by the local loonies, most of whom dont even live in Oxted

This place has ruined Oxted town centre and JDW should be ashamed of the poorly managed souless dump they have created.

20 Jul 2009 13:59

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GPOJ has been registered on this site since 20th July 2009