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BITE user comments - boobydrill

Comments by boobydrill

The Old Bank, Sutton

Aye...the 'Safety Helmet' should know all about plumbing, as he is a 'bum hole engineer'!! He also knows a thing or two about public toilets and seedy car parks, as he is a connoisseur of 'dogging' and 'cruising' and has been on the wrong end of a few hidings, when wrongfully proposing straight men at the urinal!!

Allegedly his 2009 calendar of 'lunges' is about to be launched...never mind that, I'm gonna LAUNCH the c**t!! He's obviously been feeding his fat face over Xmas and been on a GREGGS-FEST!!

Remember 'TTFTT' is a menace to society and brings the reputation of this pleasant boozer down somewhat...BAR HIM!!

26 Jan 2009 09:25

The Old Bank, Sutton

Here, Here with regards to the previous posting from Mr Brady!! Although I concur with a number of the points raised, I feel that I must put the record straight...

With reference to the thumping/slamming incident, metaphorically speaking it was actually a SCALPING of such magnitude; one of which hasn't been seen since the 'CHOCTAW & MOHAWKS' were pushed back beyond the Mid-West frontier in 1831!! And the aforementioned recipient of the 'SCALPING' mentioned that it was like a box of Pringles, with 13.5% extra free!! I should know, because I've oil-rigged it too, and she was disappointed to say the least with my northern pinky!!

J.Angus' post-public house routine also includes booting up the auld lap-top and 'flogging-on' to 'left handed web-sites'!! I actually think that he is a 'batty boy' who is ROSG compliant (Receiver Of Swollen Goods)!!

He's also started knocking around with some Geordie tube, who mimics his every move like a little 'mini-me'...both lunging like adolescent fools. Now HE IS hung with an impressive 'Schlong', yet is it somewhat wasted on 'zero boy'...

Putting aside the somewhat dodgy punters, it's a quality boozer...

14 Nov 2008 15:24

The Old Bank, Sutton

Unfortunately, 'The Testosterone Fuelled Teesside Tool' was in again last night. After the unsightly and hideous viewing of his RSS (Rusty Sheriff's Star) last Thursday evening, it was obvious that he hadn't got his bolt off over the weekend, as he mimicked carrying his 'crown jewels' around the pub in a wheelbarrow...rather reminiscent of Busta Gonad in his heyday!! Slightly more worrying was watching the local female fraternity scurrying for the exits after he'd claimed his first victim of the evening with a 'silverback'!!

Richard...BAR HIM!! This man is a menace to society and the total demographics of your cliental is changing by the week (it used to be 60-40% men; now it's 85-15% men!!). The stats speak for themselves, as the common denominator in this unfortunate episode, is his presence in S.W. London!!

11 Nov 2008 11:50

The Old Bank, Sutton

Aye...I think that fat Boro' half-witt was in last night and it was quite amusing coz he 'over-lunged' whilst comatosed at the bar and split his 'shreddies' right from his hoop to the upper nether regions of his crack!!! I actually work with this guy and his nickname is 'safety helmet'...quite frankly I think he is a helmet of Biblical proportions.

On a serious note, the beers good and more importantly the craic's great, caused by all the northern commuters who make 'The Smoke' a jovial place to be Monday - Friday!!

7 Nov 2008 14:45

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