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BITE user comments - Lisseylee

Comments by Lisseylee

Yates's, Harrow

I'm glad its closed - a bit of peace and quiet for a few days. This Yates is a den of filth, its just despicable, the bar its self, when its empty is a vile filthy hell hole which is decorated in the taste of Stevie wonder on amphetamines with a set of Tweenies poster paints, the food is poisonous deep fried gruel, �6 odd for some crisps with cheese and bogies on it.

Its is designed to be a teenagers hedonistic paradise, so even on the dole you can still get paralytic 6 nights a week in Yates by taking advantage of some of the generous offers, for example �buy one get 17 free for all your friends from brownies�. And then have a shag round the back of the shops, where as the front of the shops is reserved exclusively for puking up. For the nimble minded youngsters there is a varied choice of drinks . . . . . red or blue?.

The music is either non existent during the day and early evening or brain achingly loud and rubbish at night, with self important DJ�s who think they are the best thing since Dave Lee Travis (at least we could change the channel on the radio when he came on). Get a grip you idiotic pr1cks.

The toilets are akin to Harrow bus station and I long ago gave up looking for a lavatory with a door, lock, toilet seat and loo paper. Mind you the carpet is so awful you could use that to wipe your bum and no one would notice.

This place, everyone who drinks in it, the brewery that built it and the licensing body that granted the licence should be sentenced to hard labour. Putting in pool tables and plasma screens isn�t going to help, its just toys for the children, how about some rattles and nappies while your doing the re-furb. I have an excellent idea for a new look � its called make it back into Woolworths.

28 Feb 2005 16:32

The Fat Controller, Harrow

Turdsville USA : -extortionate prices, under age drinkers, goofy teethed, bug eyed morons permanently parked on bar stools so you can�t get to the bar. A range of refreshing drinks for the discerning pallet called � red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple and blue and something similar to Blue Nunn, oh and pee in pint glass.

The lack of seating and the waste of space 2ft square dance floor makes it impossible to get a seat at any time of day. At the weekends the terrible music makes dogs howl (or is that young girls weeping over being dumped by someone called Wayne) and the over powering heat is enough to make you undress, (if you had the unusual idea of wearing clothes in the first place � this seems against the norm). The toilets are always broken � never any loo paper if there was it would probably be Burberry print. The highlight of any evening would watching a punch up at the bus stop or going to use McDonald�s toilets because they are nearer and cleaner. I had much more fun in here when it was the Halifax building society. In addition 2 baileys and ice apparently costs �9.20 according to the child that served me, who barely looked old enough to have taken maths GCSE. Commonly known in our circle as the fat c**t and similarly behaved, tasteless, boring, full of flatulence, attracts thick tarts and needs the shit kicking out of it.

28 Feb 2005 15:45

The Junction, Harrow

A cracking pub, even for a 30 something like me - on first glance you may feel like you have accidentally stumbled in to the bar from STAR WARS. There are some sights, horrendously dressed young women with bits spilling out and piercings, who shriek at each other whilst puking up brightly coloured alcho-pops in the loos and an array of young confused people participating in party tricks (setting light to farts etc.) all this said - it is a fun pub, with a generally really good atmosphere, anyone will talk to you, especially if they want to share the red leather bed in the bar with you (might not be there now). Having moved away a year ago this is the only pub in harrow I am ever likely to visit again. It is exactly what it appears, 'a pub full of weird people '(mostly young but also 30+ No under agers at all) out for a laugh, scruffy, disorganised, manic, packed full, reasonably priced, hugely popular summer hangout for students and 'kids at heart'. open late too. but don�t go on a football day as gets packed with drunken chavs and atmosphere is v bad. shame!

28 Feb 2005 14:15

The Castle, Harrow On The Hill

What a shame - have been visiting this pub for 30 years, I was introduced to it at the age of 4 by my father, I used to love the place and in my teens enticed my friends away from the attractions of Harrow town nightlife to a more gentile weekend watering hole with the promise of reasonably priced food and drink a 'secret garden' for the summer and a shabby chic relaxing pub for drinking beer, smoking fags and reading the paper on a Sunday. Good conversation and friendly mixed company ideal for expanding ones social skills and interests. WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED. HAS THE CIRCUS BEEN TO TOWN AND LEFT A BUNCH OF INBREDS IN THE CASTLE. What a bunch on toffee nosed, rude, poorly-educated bigots, if that�s not bad enough you need to pawn your grandmother for half a pint and sell your soul to the devil to afford a sandwich at the extortionate prices. The refit was overdue and quite nicely done apart from the majority of seating being non-smoking, but even on 'the Hill' there is such a thing as �the wrong crowd� and I wouldn�t take my own children there to learn some of the wonders of social interaction and stories of life, they would be likely to run off and join the �odd man with the big top tent� In fact if I have to go there ever again I may well take a GCSE in Lion taming and be off too.

28 Feb 2005 13:32

Rat and Parrot, Harrow

What a grade 1 sh1thole. It really is terrible, A small glass of cheap rubbish wine costs more than a half-decent bottle in any supermarket and the prices differ by up to 60p depending on who serves you. The beer is disgusting and watery, the tables filthy and the staff vary from very sweet but overworked to total lazy, arsewipe depending on when you go, you can never get served. Its full of chavs the music is absolute cack and I'd rather go for a pee in the rat infested yard than use the putrid faeces stained toilets - get a cleaner - or close down. In fact just close down and give us the Royal Oak back.. more commonly known in our circle as the tw4t and carrot

28 Feb 2005 13:02

Moon On The Hill, Harrow

what a dump, smokey, smelly, full of vile drunks, long gone are the days when ladies could go in and share a bottle of wine and a snack of an evening. resembeles a soup kitchen for down and outs. what a real shame...

28 Feb 2005 12:49

The Hogs Head, Stafford

young,lively, big TV screen for all matches,fantastic building with original feautures, sadly scruffy and in disrepair with poor clealiness. had ginger pubic hair in glass of wine - no apology, pretty sick making - now called the pigs pube in our circle of friends. also expensive drinks.

28 Feb 2005 12:43

The Radford Bank Inn, Stafford

Pub is a bit odd, think its had a refurb - but not that you'd notice, ground floor restaurant - carvery only, usually beef, gammon and turkey. Sadly, even though some time has been pout into properly cooking meat and basic selection of veg the cleanliness of the place lets its down, dirty tables, bits of food everywhere, gravy and sauces slopped all over the floor, the portions are stingy and you dare not ask for 2 Yorkshire puddings, have been in 3 times lately and walked out again without even looking for table. Have now given up - I'd rather slip over on Gravy in my own kitchen - a bit of a dive.

28 Feb 2005 12:22

Picture House, Stafford

It stinks, literally of sewers. The staff are lousy and badly trained, and know it but don�t seem to care. The toilets are out of order every other week, sadly, you'd have to be pissed to go in there and then its ok for a cheap red bull. It�s such a shame as it�s a stunning building. No smoking section is the most stupid place and the food is appalling. Similar to a burger van that sells beer at the fair, but has a ceiling like the Sistine chapel.

28 Feb 2005 12:13

The Spittal Brook, Stafford

Smashing little boozer, two bars, Good home cooked food - basic steaks, burgers, pies, salads, lasagne etc - but very reasonable and well cooked & presented by chef - Carl. Superb range of ales (+guest ale) all well kept and tasty. Lovely log fires for the winter, enclosed well-planted garden for summer - if you don�t mind the 125 from Euston every few minutes. Also has huge library to chose from and return books to and a good selection of board games & dartboard. Hub of the community with Quiz & Folk music nights and regular charity functions, also bizarrely has wedding license. Only downside is rather pungent gents loo - use side entrance to avoid whiff. Friendly staff, everyone is made welcome local or not.

28 Feb 2005 12:01

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