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BITE user profile - thesalisbury

Profile information

Username: thesalisbury

Age: 60

Sex: male

Latest comments by thesalisbury

The Salisbury, Manchester

The Guvnor here, sorry for some of the bad reviews...
it seems that if someone is refused entry for whatever reason they come on here and whine.
our doorstaff are regularly commented on for being the best in town - maybe some people get mixed up or cannot handle their liquor..
we haqve a time with the smoking ban nd we are doing what we can to accommodate this
the barriers are there to seperate our customers from some of the nare-do-wells that hang around the back of GC swigging lambrini and white lightning cider (see the spar)and so they can at least have a fag without being pickpocketed or thrown up on,,,
a smoking area is being made ready soon so another option will be available soon. As for plastic glasses - well its the law of the land and if we are looking after someone not being glassed then please put up with it - or get your pals to mind your beer while you have a quick fag. we've just redecorated again and we're getting there. the wench woman? lets hoped she's moved cos if its so bad why do you still come in???

please call in and give me any feedback you wish - i'll always acomodate any sugestion or comment but if you wanna remain anomynous and moan - go moan about summat else.

i'll do whatever i can to keep this boozer going in these difficult times - rock still is the salisbury and we consistanly win awards for our ales. come and give it a go again if you weren't happy last time.


11 Mar 2008 14:19

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thesalisbury has been registered on this site since 11th March 2008