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BITE user profile - sploondle

Profile information

Username: sploondle

Age: 69

Sex: ?

Latest comments by sploondle

The Ship, Rotherhithe

Sorry, forgot to rate it. 10 out of 10 for me.

14 Mar 2008 18:01

The Ship, Rotherhithe

I visit The Ship occasionally, when I meet up in London with a mate I went to university with in the 70s. We discovered it by accident a few years ago, fell in love with it, and now make a pilgrimage there, for a refreshing pint at the end of a pleasant stroll along the river. It's a real pub with real people. And that is something rare and special these days.

14 Mar 2008 18:00

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sploondle has been registered on this site since 14th March 2008