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BITE user profile - rooster_cogburn

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Username: rooster_cogburn

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Latest comments by rooster_cogburn

The Badachro Inn, Badachro

Seriously great place.
Cannot rate this establishment high enough! The food is top notch, although some regard a bit expensive, but what the hell - never been disappointed here.
The setting is west coast of Scotland, and this fits the bill perfectly.
Always book if you want to eat here.
Would be in my top five pubs.

14 Apr 2006 13:20

Fitzharris Arms, Abingdon

Haven't been in there since the change of management but probably still full of preople who can't spell 'lager'!

14 Apr 2006 12:37

Prince Of Wales, Didcot

Just awful! a real chav stronghold; the locals are loud, intimidating and cannot converse at all without 80% of the content being "F**K"; or similar.

28 Jan 2005 21:14

See all comments by rooster_cogburn

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rooster_cogburn has been registered on this site since 3rd October 2004