BITE user profile - roneigh
Profile information
Username: roneigh
Age: 76
Sex: male
Latest comments by roneigh
The Tartar Frigate, Broadstairs
I live in Chingford, London, but I love Broadstairs and love the Tartar Frigate. Charles Dickens (quote: 'my favourite watering place') and Edward Heath used to use it. It's in need of work but Thorley Taverns, a fine company, are not allowed to do what they want with it (quite right). You still feel the smugglers from many years ago around you!!!
Been going to the Frigate for many years and hope to be much more of a regular soon!!! Cheers, all.
18 Aug 2006 17:41
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roneigh has been registered on this site since 18th August 2006
The Director General, Woolwich
This was the pub literally over the road from Reliance Printing in the 60s-early 70s where I done my apprenticeship . . . Me and my mate Peter (still see him now either in Woolwich or London) used to go in there and still do on a Woolwich visit. We mainly used ROSES (Prince Albert) in Hare Street where we still meet and play Good Vibrations on the jukebox!!! Those were the days. Sorry to hear it will close soon. Ron - Chingford.
18 May 2007 16:42