BITE user profile - nogbad
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Username: nogbad
Age: 50
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Latest comments by nogbad
Yikes, bit concerned by the long comment below, but I think it's best ignored. I'm English but I live and work in Edinburgh and I've heard all sorts of voices from posh southerners like me to Antipodeans, French, Germans and even Americans in Cloisters (and other pubs here) and they all seemed to be having a marvellous time. So they should - the beer's great and ever-changing, the staff seem nice (offering beer to taste or uncomplainingly cleaning up a smashed pint of porter amongst the feet of noisy Friday-night office types) and the menu is cheapish and appetising. Go there and see for yourself.
5 Nov 2007 15:36
Just tried again, and the place reminded me of an airport departure lounge, from the three huge flatscreen TVs to the laminated general-purpose menu offering drab food. Zero atmosphere too. This was 4.30pm on a Saturday, so not exactly a dead zone. Friendly but inept Polish barmaid couldn't tell me which pies they had left, or understand much of anything, and of the range of ales (the only reason it scores as high as 4) both the ones we tried, Schiehallion and Peter's Well (I think) were less than spot-on. Left to the sound of a deafening Espresso machine and went to Cloisters at Tollcross on way home - better beer, hand-written menus of appetising grub and busy with folk of all ages drinking and nattering. Goodbye Bert's, you were good once.
5 Nov 2007 15:10
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nogbad has been registered on this site since 2nd May 2007
The White Horse, Hascombe
Bit surprised to see how poorly this place rates, but then I only saw it on a weekday lunchtime. Ham, cheese and pickle sandwiches were cut into what I think of as 'hotel triangles', ie a bit too small to pick up without dropping some of the contents, but were fresh and tasty. Chicken Caeser also good. I had a pint of something Cornish, which was lovely, and the friendly and rather fetching barmaid did a good job. The sun was out, we were in a classic car, so we were naturally in a very good mood and the pub did nothing to spoil it.
6 Oct 2008 11:14