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BITE user profile - mothertoone

Profile information

Username: mothertoone

Age: 44

Sex: ?

Latest comments by mothertoone

Rubbing House, Epsom Downs

Went for a Sunday Lunch (midday) with my baby daughter and 91 year old grandmother. Were told on arrival by an extremely rude waitress that we couldn't enter the premises with a pushchair.
I left the pushchair behind and returned. We were told that there was a half hour wait .....but we would have to stand outside with the baby!!!
My poor grandmother can't stand up for 5 minutes let alone half hour, plus it was October. We left along in company with another outraged family and a lady in a wheelchair that could not be accomodated. OUTRAGEOUS. We went to the DERBY ARMS instead and had a lovely meal with great service.

20 Oct 2008 22:00

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mothertoone has been registered on this site since 20th October 2008