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BITE user profile - montyl

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Username: montyl

Age: 79

Sex: ?

Latest comments by montyl

The Peasant, Clerkenwell

Tried a pint recently and just managed not to burst into tears. This is high praise indeed as I was prepared to be appalled. In the 60's when this was The George & Dragon I spent most of my grant and sacrificed a grade of degree here. In company with many City undergrads from up the street and a number of now eminent MD's from Barts I developed my life long enthusiasm for things alcoholic in these hallowed halls.

Nowhere on earth has more or happier memories for me so there are probably too many ghosts for me to be objective about the place. Judgement is clouded with wonderful recollections - old friends then young-the pervading warm almond smell of cyanide drifting in from the electroplating works across street-the near all night lock ins and the top quality lunchtime folk sessions featuring all the big names of the scene. Above all Ray & Doreen the late wonderous landlords who funded the concerts at a loss, frequently subbed hard up students and were then suicidily lax about chasing up the debts. Their comment when I visited them in retirement is a fitting epitaph to a probably extinct way of life "We had so much fun we just aimed to make enough profit to let us keep doing it".

With that proviso.The place seemed souless and lacking a real personality. The name change exemplifies the problem it seems inoffensive but random - so does the pub. It probably could not survive as the classic Victorian local boozer it was but I couldn't define what it has become.

To be fair it is still one of the better pubs in the area - the beer was excellent( much better than 1960's Truman's) the staff friendly (and decorative-sorry I'm too old to be PC)others spoke well of the food and blessedly no one has vandalised the magic mosaics of the old persona. Much worse fates have befallen other fondly remembered watering holes!

29 Feb 2008 13:57

The Vine, Norwich

Sadly its GONE. Much missed

12 Feb 2008 03:13

The Ribs of Beef, Norwich

I see an average of 6.8!. I'd like to see a 10 then. Great pub,good range of well kept beer.

12 Feb 2008 03:11

See all comments by montyl

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montyl has been registered on this site since 13th March 2007