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BITE user profile - mikeupd

Profile information

Username: mikeupd

Age: 77

Sex: male

Latest comments by mikeupd

The Durham Arms, Canning Town

The No Smoking law doesn't apply here it seems!

9 Sep 2014 00:16

The Vesper Gate, Kirkstall

Greeted with a nod of the head.
Only beer on was J Smith & Tetley, other pumps not covered over.
John Smiths was less than average.
Only sell 'ordinary coffee' not latte or cappuccino (for her indoors)
Had a sort of tumble weed feel, lots of older couples eating.
Won't be back.....

24 Mar 2012 09:25

The Eagle Tavern, Leeds

It's probably one of the most civilsed pubs in Leeds.
There' the occasional swear word or two.
The beer is always good and Max & Mandy are arguable the best advert for Sam Smiths.
I enjoy the peace & quiet, no loud idiots to spoil my libations.

7 Oct 2011 00:33

See all comments by mikeupd

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mikeupd has been registered on this site since 2nd July 2004