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BITE user profile - mattbeer

Profile information

I'm from Liverpool and know all the best real ale pubs here so if you need any recommendations let me know.

I also lived in Bath for 8 years and know most of the good pubs down there that sell real ale. I can also recommend some decent pubs in Bristol.

Let me know!

Username: mattbeer

Age: 48

Sex: male

Latest comments by mattbeer

The Mark Addy, Salford

I was in Manchester with a friend yesterday and headed over there off our normal pub crawl route to find it covered in scaffolding and closed.

We started walking away and a taxi pulled up and out got a man and woman who were also met with disbelief that it wasn't open.

They could have at least updated their website to say that they had closed down - which I later found out after a quick look on the internet.

16 Mar 2014 11:43

The Griffin Inn, Bath

Visited here on 15th December with a large group of friends. Luckily we managed to squeeze into the small room right at the back of the pub. They had several real ales on from some microbreweries. I honestly can't remember which breweries they were but they were drinkable an cost about £3.30 a pint, which seems to be the standard rate for a pint in a Bath pub these days.

For a Saturday evening we were very surprised to hear the bell for last orders ring at 10.40pm and then bang on 11pm we were told to drink up and leave.

Another minus which we all commented on was that, although it was the middle of December it wasn't exactly freezing cold but they insisted on having the radiators on full blast and there was no ventilation apart from a sash window that only opened a couple of inches.

Seriously guys - turn the heating down ! I'm actually glad that we didn't stay any longer - I think I would have melted !

1 Jan 2013 18:40

The Trinity, Bath

Very busy when me and a friend visited at lunch time on 1st December, but we got served straight away.

It's now an Abbey Ales pub so I went for a pint of their Bellringer Maximus (slightly stronger than normal Bellringer at 5% abv) while my friend had a pint of Timothy Taylor Landlord. It came to about £6.60 for both pints which isn't cheap, but then neither are most pubs in Bath cheap these days.

We perched on some stools by the window next to the entrance and watched two groups of people walk in, say "oh no, they're showing the football!", do an about turn and then walk out. Me and my friend both found this bizarre because they were showing a Bath Rugby match on the TV !

1 Jan 2013 18:29

See all comments by mattbeer

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mattbeer has been registered on this site since 11th February 2007