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BITE user profile - lurch

Profile information

very tall very large IT geek with a beard (that shoulkd tell you most of what you need to know!)

I am a lager drinker, but not just any old gnats... (fizzy or otherwise)

Username: lurch

Age: 69

Sex: male

Latest comments by lurch

The Nursery Inn, Hartlepool

The rumour is correct; pub is now run by son-in-law & grand-daughter (ie, son-in-law's daughter) of the 'lady' quoted above. BTW, if you knew Mary (RIP), you'd probably agree she would have wholeheartedly approved of the inverted commas (she'd prob have bought me a pint when she'd stopped laughing). OTOH, if you'd been involved with/seen/heard about the charity work she did, you'd probably argue 'lady' should have had a capital L...

ANYWAY: smashing pub now run by smashing dad/daughter combo. I don't drink brown water, but I know several chaps who do (and have visited) and have heard naught but praise. Only geography stops these guys going more often. Dave (current landlord/Dad) has known how to handle beer since c. 1966, and my oh my does it show...

Geography also limits ME to calling less often than I would like, but I can vouch for both the Stellois and the quiz on Tuesdays! They also do music on various nights (rock, folk, and possibly others) in a rather smart back room, recently enhanced at no small expense (by Dave) for the purpose.

Dave has lots more ideas for 'upping' (no, not with swans...), but these obviously depend on 'ongoing user support', ie you can't re-invest profit that you ain't got...


I sincerely hope you will give the Nursery a try if it's within your commuting distance.
If you live within walking distance, then what the **** are you waiting for - a grant? Go!

See u there, with any luck!

31 Mar 2006 02:13

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lurch has been registered on this site since 31st March 2006