BITE user profile - hearson
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Username: hearson
Age: 69
Sex: ?
Latest comments by hearson
I visited on a saturday afternoon. Had a decent real ale selection of which I had a half of Goody's from Herne. It was very crowded with many people eating. Does not in my opinion and based on this experience feel very much like a pub but more like a restaurant. If an upmarket full on Gastro is your thing then you may like this place. If you dont then avoid, I shall be.
18 Oct 2016 09:20
Yet another Young's pub ripped apart to turn it into a Gastro. They have kept the Modern Jazz (after over 50 years they didnt have much choice as a campaign was mounted), however this is now banished to a building out the back. The old jazz room which Youngs only soundproofed about 8 years ago at vast cost is now a restaurant.
Thanks Youngs! another triumph to go with the Richard 1 at Greenwich and Coborn Arms in Mile End.
1 Mar 2015 18:38
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hearson has been registered on this site since 27th February 2009
The Crown and Anchor, Faversham
Enjoyed my visit a few months ago very much (as always). Well kept beer, good conversation and a great landlord. Sadly I have heard that Les has since passed away. A sad day for everyone who knew him.
9 Jan 2017 12:19