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BITE user profile - gills

Profile information

Username: gills

Age: 35

Sex: ?

Latest comments by gills

Circle Bar, Clapham North

I use this bar about three times a week, and have done so for the last nine months. It's a good bar, with a great atmosphere, no bad feelings like some other bars in the area. Yes it is just down the Clapham Road, but has a very relaxed feel about the place.
The review by "claphammom" seems a bit strange, I haven't seen any mice in all my visits. The thai cafe?, what does that mean!! The food is excellent.
I think that she wrote eight reviews in about half an hour, seems rather odd.
Still if it makes her sad life seem important, so be it.

13 May 2010 22:31

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gills has been registered on this site since 13th May 2010