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BITE user profile - blackdragon66

Profile information

Username: blackdragon66

Age: 63

Sex: male

Latest comments by blackdragon66

The Moon on the Hill, Sutton

Tuna i think you like replying to my post just like all the others. Hoppy i am one person, whatever your problem is with all, you need to go and sort it out, your not on my wave length, maybe you got mental health problems and need to stop telling lies.You are sly person with no friends. I have had my fun with you all ,time to hop on a plane and go and enjoy myself i will be back in 3 weeks.have fun you boring lot.looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

7 Jun 2013 09:02

The Moon on the Hill, Sutton

Brewmason i am not a layabout lol, and what has it got to do with you what i say, go with hoppy and bore people,hoppy is very childish person and moans all the time to people who are not interested. customers and staff in both Wetherspoons are getting a bit fed up with him. I heard staff in the grapes moaning about him the other day.

6 Jun 2013 23:52

The Moon on the Hill, Sutton

Last comment, someone please let me in on the joke, and hoppy having a girlfriend is the joke, he might have a blow up doll.

6 Jun 2013 20:13

See all comments by blackdragon66

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blackdragon66 has been registered on this site since 14th June 2013