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BITE user profile - big_andy

Profile information

Username: big_andy

Age: 41

Sex: male

Latest comments by big_andy

Sun, Southgate

Good to hear the place has a new manager, I guess that means I'm not barred anymore.

Logan, the previous gaffer and poster of the first two comments, was just about the most objectionable, obnoxious, up-his-own-arse little shit I ever had the misfortune to meet.

30 Jun 2006 13:54

The Westminster, Westminster

Great little place, don't be fooled by the low-ish rating, half those scores were posted when it whas a star-trek pub (most ridiculous idea ever, probably) and it's now become a regular after-work venue for all sorts of people nearby. A surprisingly low percentage of civil servants given the location, which can probably only be a good thing. Can't speak for the food because I haven't had any but the beer is good and fairly priced and the atmosphere is great; gets very, very busy on fridays though.


30 Jun 2006 13:41

Kiss Me Hardy, Colliers Wood

I'd looked at this a few times from the outside and to be honest it looked hideous; just a bit of signage away from looking like an out-of-town Currys or something. Then one day the baobab was inexplicably closed (again) and I thought I'd pop in.
What a surprise; friendly staff, good prices (especially food), different areas with screens in some, food area in another, booths somewhere else etc, and a great little terrace outside next to the river.
I'll be back, but probably still only when the 'bab is shut again. Or I'm skint.

29 Jun 2006 13:41

See all comments by big_andy

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big_andy has been registered on this site since 12th April 2006