BITE user profile - azzamataz
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Username: azzamataz
Age: 42
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azzamataz has been registered on this site since 13th March 2009
Scruffy Murphys, Blackpool
Coming from Blackpool and living here my entire life, I can honestly say that I used Scruffy Murphys twice in my life (5 years apart) and didnt enjoy any of my visits, hence the 5 yr gap!!!!!!! HOWEVER......... Since the pub was bought a little over eighteen months ago I have noticed an increase in my friends that now go there and having paid numerous visits to the place found myself pleasently suprised in this new found atmosphere that the place is clearly oozing! What a difference! The beer tastes clean, the staff are highly efficient and friendly and it truly feels like a traditional pub of old once more. It upsets me that the place is still receiving harsh reviews when its clearly obvious to me that Scruffy Murphys has risen from whatever rubble it has so obviously been laying in, for far too long. From the lighting to the people you;ll find it hard not to enjoy your time in this cosy little pub!!! Get yourselves in there asap!
13 Mar 2009 17:54