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BITE user profile - a.dizzle

Profile information

Username: a.dizzle

Age: 40

Sex: ?

Latest comments by a.dizzle

The Radcliffe Arms, Hitchin

The Radcliffe Arms is a fun and relaxing pub that anyone would enjoy eating and drinking at. I live around this area and I was here before the Radcliffe was changed. The people who work there are lovely and welcoming as you go in to eat or even to relax at the bar. The food and drinks are excellent and always have something new to offer. Recently their has been a wonderfull 'January wine sale.' In the summer the radcliife is always hosting an event such as beer festivals etc. The Radcliffe Arms is defenatly my top choice for a resturant/bar.

30 Jan 2011 18:20

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a.dizzle has been registered on this site since 30th January 2011