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BITE user profile - Urso

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Username: Urso

Age: 51

Sex: male

Latest comments by Urso

The White Horse, Twerton

Finally made my first visit on Sunday night, been wanting to go for ages as it's only a couple of minutes walk from my house. I was greeted with a very warm welcome and enjoyed a perfect pint of Moorhouse Brewery Blond Witch; hopefully one day I'll get to enjoy a pint of their other beer: Witches Brew.
Beer festival starts Wednesday, fingers crossed I can finish work early one night this week and get there before last orders.

21 Feb 2012 17:05

The Portcullis Inn, Bristol

Enjoyed a pint of Goff Jouster on saturday afternoon, this is without doubt one of the most consistently excellent pubs I've ever been to. Nice to see Nat back too.
Shame the Victoria isn't a little closer as I could enjoy both in the same evening. (too tight to pay for a taxi)

11 Jan 2012 14:54

The Bag O' Nails, Bristol

Really excited to see this place finally open whilst driving home from work the other night. made my first visit last week and was immediately struck by what a good natured atmosphere there was in the place. Teardrop Explodes was playing when I walked in and a group of blokes at the bar whom I'd never met before were quick to start chatting with me, I guess they were as happy to be in there as I was.
I think this place is unique, I enjoyed it so much I went back the following night. I have never done that before. I went home and said to my wife we must go there together, it's ace.
The service was sincere and knowledgeable, I think the C word was Christmas not c**nt. I didn't find this out until my second visit.
I drank Ashley Down on my first visit, Oxymoron on the second. I would have already made my 3rd and 4th visit if only I didn't live in Bath.

30 Dec 2011 00:10

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Urso has been registered on this site since 29th December 2011