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BITE user profile - TheMortyVicker

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Username: TheMortyVicker

Age: 54

Sex: ?

Latest comments by TheMortyVicker

The Post Office Vaults, Birmingham

Popped in both before and after football at Walsall. Brilliant selection at decent prices. Lunchtime was quiet, early evening it was rammed but not uncomfortably, and no problems getting served. My pub of choice if I've got time to kill near New Street station...

20 Nov 2016 13:08

Edmunds Bar, Birmingham

Nice enough pub but a little soulless. Tried their own Christmas Ale but it was a little bland....IPA was better....

20 Nov 2016 13:05

The Freemasons Arms, Covent Garden

Fairly dull pub as others have said - not a massive fan of Shepherd Neame beers though you're ok if the Whitstable Bay is on. However, it is a 100% reliable pub for watching sport. Very few places in Soho / Covent Garden these days who are prepared to foot Sky and BT Sport bills, but this has become our default central London pub for the football....

19 Jun 2016 19:37

See all comments by TheMortyVicker

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TheMortyVicker has been registered on this site since 17th October 2006