BITE user profile - SilverBullet
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Username: SilverBullet
Age: 55
Sex: male
Latest comments by SilverBullet
The Black Sheep Bar, Crystal Palace
An OK bar in the vein of those sleek and sexy joints around Clerkenwell, except less comfortable and less sophisticated (and less sleek and sexy if it comes to it!). It's got lounge bar pretentions with a pub style atmosphere and clientele. I'd imagine that the local Estate Agents drink here. The food is standard finger food stuff and the seating is arranged so that if a few groups come in then everyone else is standing. The outdoor space at the back has awesome views. Over-priced, but in that way that CP has become of late... There aren't many better bars in CP for this style of drinking but that's more a critiscism of CP than a recommendation for the Black Sheep. Go in a group and you'll enjoy it.
24 May 2007 00:35
The Royal Albert, Crystal Palace
Great little boozer... none of your usual CP pretentiousness, decent price and a decent Sunday Roast...
24 May 2007 00:27
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SilverBullet has been registered on this site since 16th August 2006
The Grape and Grain, Crystal Palace
You have to ask yourself, in this era of sudden prosperity in Crystal Palace and the wave of 'trendies' whos parents can't stretch to helping them out with a deposit on a flat in Clapham... Why the f**k this place is still the s**thole it is? The only reason for this place to still exist is that it concentrates all the chav scum in the area in one place so that the rest of us can drink in relative peace and safety around the Triangle. Even the regulars must realise it's a dive. I think it's the reason why the BlueBottle has such an anal door policy... gotta keep'em out!
24 May 2007 00:46