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BITE user profile - Rockyvaldez

Profile information

Username: Rockyvaldez

Age: 53

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Rockyvaldez

The Carpenters Arms, Tottenham Court Road

I have news for Mr. Fidel Castro, the gorgeous landlady doesn�t dress up as a vampire!! She has a nice personality, it is true!
Your hopes to marry her one day are gone, she is already married and please, RESPECT!
She is the best person I've ever met.
One more word and I'll send the Marines to your island Mr. Castro

30 Mar 2006 23:57

The Carpenters Arms, Tottenham Court Road

The Carps!!! I used to love this place, lots of Colombians hang out there.

19 Aug 2005 05:48

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Rockyvaldez has been registered on this site since 19th August 2005