BITE user profile - Redriley
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Username: Redriley
Age: 71
Sex: ?
Latest comments by Redriley
Pretty popular, but nothing terribly special about it; I guess its popularity reflects the dearth of decent pubs in this particularly benighted part of London.
4 Apr 2008 18:40
Potentially a decent pub and the Everard's Tiger was good too, but the place had a distinctly odd smell about it which precluded staying for more than one.
4 Apr 2008 18:37
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Redriley has been registered on this site since 21st September 2006
The Bell, Winslow
Seem to remember this pub had a really excellent public bar, but couldn't find it on my last visit so assume it has gone the way of so many other excellent bars. The Bell is really just a so-so place for a pint when you are in the area and not the sort of establishment to make a detour for.
16 Apr 2008 22:02