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BITE user profile - MAXNJAX69

Profile information

Username: MAXNJAX69

Age: 53

Sex: ?

Latest comments by MAXNJAX69

The Bridge House Tavern, Penge

Went to this pub tonight, and having found it quite enjoyable on previous occasions, (Company was Great!) however confirmed to me that the Manager is a Rude Prick..
Totally overpriced drinks for Starters, can get cheaper in central London, without the attitude of the manager, who is a Racist Ignorant Individual.. and unhelpful to boot!
It appears, he is looking at drawing in 'New Clientele' Middle class, and to rid the Pub of Black People!!!!! Fekking Ignoranous!!
Hope he and his Woolly Boyfriend fall flat on their faces, and custom dries up....
People like this, shouldn't be allowed to hold positions dealing with the general public!

12 Apr 2012 22:40

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MAXNJAX69 has been registered on this site since 12th April 2012