BITE user profile - Katiejane
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Username: Katiejane
Age: 45
Sex: ?
Latest comments by Katiejane
The White Swan has got it all. It retains all the charm of an old City pub downstairs, but still manages to be smart. It also has great beer, an amazing selection of wines and spirits, and fantastic food. Upstairs is a beautiful dining room. It's a vast improvement on the Mucky Duck. Certainly the best pub in the area, if not the whole of London.
8 Apr 2005 12:08
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Katiejane has been registered on this site since 8th April 2005
The Well, Clerkenwell
A charming gastropub, with huge windows which open in the summer to the pavement seating area. Good beer, wine and food, and a fantastic cocktail bar downstairs, housing large tanks of tropical fish.
8 Apr 2005 12:25