BITE user profile - JJWinkALot
Profile information
Username: JJWinkALot
Age: 40
Sex: female
Latest comments by JJWinkALot
Bar Casa, Kingston Upon Thames
always nice in the summer for a daytime bite to eat and drink.... but once it gets passed 9 and the bar packs out its best to move on to somewhere with a bit more atmosphere.
2 Jan 2006 14:49
Lovely friendly relaxing pub....! this was always a favourite after work watering hole and i loved the food in there.... the only critism i have is that its a tad bit on the expensive side.
2 Jan 2006 14:45
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JJWinkALot has been registered on this site since 2nd January 2006
The Blue Anchor, Staines
here here!!!
p.s whoever commented on missing my constructive critiscm on windsor and kingston.... i think you may need re-wind and read again.... now did i happen to mention any venues in particular??!!!... ohhhhh no i dont think i did!!! wanna know why?... i actually happen to lik some venues in windsor and kingston same as i happen to like some venues in some places... but that doesnt mean i lik them ALL though.... difference being is i appear to have more of a life than to sit on here and get into riduculous arguements with ppl who actually lik the venues that i dont even go too nor like!!
its ALL opinions and everyone is entitled to them.... but apparently most of you seem to think its ok to point out that your thoughts and opinions are valued... BUT mine or anyone else who happens to lik the places there opinions arent credible at all.... *coughhypocritscough*!!
i happen to think its not particularly curtious OR NICE, for that matter, to lay into other ppls opinions - Especially when they were lightheartedly putting across justifeid reasons why THEY like somewhere!
my message was MY opinion... im sure you'll keep expressing yours but mayb if you believe your thoughts are so valued put a name behind the talk for once instead of hiding behind your anominity!
as much fun as its been guys and gals... clearly theres no point bantering with you people (as i can tell by the rowdyness you have all caused over sumthing quite ridiculous you are obviously the sort of ppl i avoid whilst out! ha ha)... so im signing off! - enjoy your fruitless attempts at anonymous uncontructive moaning about places you dont go to or like!! :D
6 Jan 2006 13:04