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BITE user profile - GoonerTony

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Username: GoonerTony

Age: 55

Sex: ?

Latest comments by GoonerTony

The Foundry Arms, Northrepps

This place has a fairly small bar area and it does feel a bit like you are walking into someones front room. However, the locals are friendly, it has a large restaraunt, they also have a pool table and a small beer garden. Decent ales on tap, we have eaten there once and it was good hearty food.

5 Aug 2011 12:40

Kings Head, Cromer

recently renovated, but strangely looks the same, except everything is a bit more primary coloured. Reasonable boozer, but nothing to recommend it over the Red Lion or Wellinhgton

5 Aug 2011 12:37

Wellington Hotel, Cromer

The wellington is shabby on the outside but somewhat smarter inside, at least in comparison to the Dolphin. This place is rammed with young uns at the weekend and is quite expensive. They have a nice courtyard and a separate restaraunt area which is good, one of the few places in cromer you can get a non panini based lunch.

5 Aug 2011 12:35

See all comments by GoonerTony

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GoonerTony has been registered on this site since 11th July 2011