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BITE user profile - Gaz_Spurs

Profile information

Username: Gaz_Spurs

Age: 45

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Gaz_Spurs

Ryans Bar, Blackfriars

Beer in here recently has been AWFUL. Flat, and makes you feel minging the next day. Pints are always replaced if you complain... but the replacements are just as lifeless. Disappointing, as it is a great place for after work drinks, and watching sports.

15 Nov 2006 13:52

The Cos Bar, London

Not bad, not great, beer ok, food quite good.

15 Nov 2006 13:50

The Crown and Sugarloaf, Bride's Lane

Great little back street boozer. Good, cheap lager, and a seemingly a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of Fleet St.

15 Nov 2006 13:47

See all comments by Gaz_Spurs

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Gaz_Spurs has been registered on this site since 15th November 2006