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BITE user profile - Fenriz

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Username: Fenriz

Age: 45

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Fenriz

The Torch, Wembley Park

bog standard pub with a crap range of tasteless beers and a menu full of extremely greasey junk food. Bar staff and rather rude, short and curt with people, snatching the money out of your hand, etc.

On the postive side, it's cheaper than average, and in the summer sitting on the tables outside can be nice. Can't recommend it overall though, the Preston 10 minutes away offers a far better pub experience.

5 Jun 2015 16:11

The Golden Egg, Kilburn

Now re-named The Earl Derby and re-branded as a very souless American diner style pub.

It's cleaner than previously, but has lost the friendly and comfy atmosphere it previously had, replaced by an extremely cold and sterile feel. They don't show the football anymore, prices are much higher, and it's nearly always empty now, and you wonder how it stays in business. A sad way for a once fun pub to end up.

23 Mar 2015 16:05

The Cock Tavern, Kilburn

Went there for the first time recently with a few of my mates, only because we were trying out a few pubs in the area....this was the worst.

You step off the noisy and bright Kilburn High St into the seedy, dark and dingey hell-hole that is the Cock Tavern - messy and grubby interior, disinterested staff, and wierd, weird locals. It was FA Cup final day when we were in there, some African guy walked up to our group and said he'd travelled thousands of miles to see Arsenal in the Cup final....despite the fact he couldn't name a single Arsenal player and he was standing in a pub in Kilbun while the final was being played! He then proceeded to shake my hand and refused to let go of it, and fell to his knees in front of us and wouldn't get up....this appears to be typical of the regulars of The Cock Tavern. An absolute dive of a place.

27 Nov 2014 13:31

See all comments by Fenriz

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Fenriz has been registered on this site since 11th January 2007