BITE user profile - DeepThought
Profile information
If you are wondering who that ruggedly handsome, razor- witted and plainly superior being can be over in the corner...........
It's me.
It's me.
Username: DeepThought
Age: 65
Sex: male
Latest comments by DeepThought
xavier, I do hope it's not the David Neal I know..............
30 Dec 2009 18:19
Two words sum up everything wrong about this place - GREENE and KING - not necessarily in that order, but advisible.
30 Dec 2009 18:16
Contact DeepThought
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DeepThought has been registered on this site since 17th July 2008
The Farmer's Bar, Aylesbury
If you need a glowing example of what the term 'up yer own arse' really means, check this place out; Staff training must include Desperate Arrogance to NVQ3, 1/1 in Indifference and PhD in Completely Inappropriate Career for You. The incumbents should be shot, maimed or fired from a cannon - preferrably all of these. As for Chiltern Brewery, they do nice cheese - allegedly.
30 Dec 2009 18:29