BITE user comments - surreypubdrinker
Comments by surreypubdrinker
It seems huntforbeer was never a fan of Jim, but he has gone some 7 months, I'm more interested in the current landlord or lack of, as a local resident within walking distance, The Healy's have no idea about their pub and real ale..As for the rats huntforbeer they are back..not a good sign for the cleanliness of the kitchen etc..
1 Nov 2012 09:39
Wealdman..vested interest, the beer in not right and as for the Sunday roast..haha. If it were excellent there would be people dining in the pub...
22 Oct 2012 13:33
The beer is not worth the price..and as for some of the customers...language.... not for me.
22 Oct 2012 13:29
Morts Wine Bar, Walton on Thames
Now Morts.. man has this man got ocd and makes you feel uncomfortable.. giving this place a miss.
3 Oct 2012 13:08
I would like to concur with magnumpi.. on Saturday the dark haired bar girl's attitude and focus was appalling as was the Managers.. and the beer of very poor quality...please sort it out!
25 Sep 2012 09:47
The last 2 posts are from people that are either employed by the healys or have never been in a decent pub, The Jolly Farmer is no longer 'Jolly' even the staff are becoming sour faced like their leader (haha) Colin. As for the Cask Marque badge on here and the front of the pub... well that is a lie...
13 Aug 2012 08:28
Once again it shows that the Healys are more concerned about this blog site than about the actual pub by leaving Colin in charge.. As for the Cask Marque sign outside well that is laughable to say the least.. bye bye Jolly.
10 Aug 2012 12:46
Have't been in this pub for years.. shocked at the lack of interest and professionalism of the staff.. what a shame. It used to be a class act of a pub
24 Jun 2012 19:43
Cracking little boozer, but the Chef.. hissy fits every sunday we have been in always running out of food.. don't bother eating, it's not worth the grief!
2 Nov 2011 11:39
The Jolly seems to be going from strength to strength in these times of austerity.. the pub may be a bit worn.. but the beer is second to none.
30 Dec 2010 10:43
Just a quick note to say I think the Jolly Farmer has been rejuvenated by the new landlord. The Beer and atmosphere has definately improved, thought the toilets need attention. Hope the TV is only for the Rugby though.. and does not stay after that. Overall I think this pub is doing it right..
8 Feb 2010 10:18
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The Pelican, Addlestone
A typical marstons pub...some of the punters were a bit jaded!
1 Nov 2012 09:51