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BITE user comments - Pertwee

Comments by Pertwee

The Devonshire Arms, Camden

A fantastic goth boozer. If only there were more of it's kind. A breath of fresh air from chavs filth, estate trash, and brain dead football watching, drooling zombies. All hail the Dev!

1 Oct 2005 18:00

The Belper Arms, Newton Burgoland

One of my favourate pubs in the whole country. You expect to see Gandalf strid in for a pint at anymoment.

1 Oct 2005 17:54

Whitelocks, Leeds

One of the best pubs in Leeds. Tucked away nicley. Cosy and a great atmosphere.

1 Oct 2005 17:52

The Dry Dock, Leeds

Great idea for a pub but they used to play crap rap "music" too load. This was back in the mid 90s. It might have changed now.

1 Oct 2005 17:49

Bricklayers Arms, Leeds

Was run by an ignorant git in the mid 1990s but under new management now.

1 Oct 2005 17:47

Lloyds, Nuneaton

Was better in the mid 1980s when it was The Crown, a great Goth pub.

1 Oct 2005 17:45

The Railway Tavern, Nuneaton

About the only good pub in this godforsaken town (i was born and brought up here but got out thank god)

1 Oct 2005 17:44

The George And Dragon, Fitzrovia

A nice collection of dragon pictures and a very lovely Chinese barmaid.

1 Oct 2005 17:39

The Cobweb Inn, Boscastle

Fntastic, old world, atmospheric inn.Straight out of The Hobbit. Great food as well.

1 Oct 2005 17:31

The Spanish Galleon, Greenwich

My dear Mr Scott, I am a wanderer in time and space.

1 Oct 2005 17:28

The Essex Serpent, Covent Garden

Interesting name. Probobly comes from one of the Essex dragon legands but i dont know which one. I would hazzard a guess at Henham. Antway take your pick i've listed them below

Robert Winstantley of Saffron Walden wrote a pamphlet titled A True Relation of a Monsterous Serpent seen at Henham on the Mount in Saffron Walden published in 1699. The creature in question was a winged serpent (that would have been called a gwiber in Wales) that appeared in May of that year. It was around nine feet long and as thick as a man�s leg. Its eyes were as large as sheep�s eyes and it had several rows of sharp teeth. It was also furnished with small wings.

Despite having caused no trouble it�s demeanour was sufficiently alarming that a group of villagers armed with farm implements and stones chased it off.

The dragon of Horndon was said to have been imported in the Middle Ages by Barbary Merchants (presumably as a youngster) from whom it escaped. It set up home in the surrounding forest and grew to huge proportions.

It was eventually killed by Sir James Tyrell who managed to dazzle the dragon by wearing highly polished armour.

St Osyth
A broad sheet produced in 1704 refers to a dragon of �marvellous bigness� being discovered here during the reign on Henry II. Nothing more is known about this creature.

Saffron Walden
The pamphlet that deals with the Henham winged serpent also relates the story of a basilisk that held siege to Saffron Walden centuries before. It was described as.
��not about a foot in length, of colour between black and yellow, having very red eyes, a sharp head and a white spot hereon like a crown. It goeth not winding like other serpents but upright on its breast. If a man touch it though with a long pole it kills him: and if it sees a man a far off it destroys him with its looks. Furthermore it breaketh stones, blasteth all plants with his breath, it burneth everything it goeth over; no herb can grow near the place of his abode.�

The basilisk killed so many people that the down was becoming depopulated. Finally a wandering knight delivered them by covering his armour in crystal glass. On seeing it�s own reflection the monster died.

Bures / Wormingford
Confusion and controversy surround this legend on the Suffolk / Essex border. Both the town of Bures and the village of Wormingford lay claim to the story as their own.

In a 19th century translation of a document from 1405 the story is told of a fearful dragon. That had a hide impenetrable to arrows and disappeared into marsh after having caused �much hurt�.

12 Sep 2005 22:05

The Spanish Galleon, Greenwich

Intresting bit of colour. The Spanish Galleon is supposed to be haunted by a phantom dog. A huge, black mastiff type. Supposedly been seen for years and still reported recently.

12 Sep 2005 21:55

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