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BITE user comments - Muse_Luver

Comments by Muse_Luver

The Druid's Head, Kingston Upon Thames

Nothing wrong with this place... LOVE it. So much so, three of my dearest friends call upon it whenever it's a Wednesday as only a half day of education means quarter of the day pub-lunching (which is AWESOME, Angus Burger before the Burger King attempt at it) and drinking :p

17 Oct 2007 15:49

The Garibaldi, Staines

I LOVE IT!!! It's like Sunset Beach or The Original Series of Star Trek (watching it by our present day standards), it's so bad, it's good!

Like the only place that knows the people that are over 18 and those that aren't and don't pester us that are and know straight away those that aren't.

Kudos "Gariba Di"! :p

p.s. I know, it's like the BEST letter dislodge of a name EVER!!! I remember just turning 18, after a film with a bunch of my mates, we went there and my friend says "It's called The Garibaldi", am was like "o, ok", look at the name above and I think to myself "HOW is it called the Garibaldi?"... THAT WAS THREE YEARS AGO!!! Only JUST realised like a month ago :D

17 Oct 2007 15:41

The Redback, Acton

Used to love it, now I wish it burns :D

17 Oct 2007 14:45

The Town Hall, Staines

I went last month to watch England vs. Russia and I've never been to such a place that resembled a football stadium in all my life! The fact that there's another level above and a massive floor space below, it really does make for good atmosphere and a good night out.

The beer is reasonably priced, the bar staff are coherent, and they actually remember who was in front of who when time to serve someone (don't you hate it when someone's that's only been there for 5 seconds is served before you that's been there closer 5 minutes?).

We're going down there for the Rugby World Cup Final, should be "crunking"! :p

17 Oct 2007 14:40

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