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BITE user comments - HolstenPils

Comments by HolstenPils

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

As a Licensee who gets fed up with liars you are still not welcome, do you honestly believe that anyone would not think that this is the same one of two people who habitually create new names and write terrible things about this pub, God get a life.
You really accept that it is believable that in over six weeks since the glass that got accidentally damaged in the door was repaired you felt incensed for the first time in your life to create an account here to bitch about this pub. You again are anonymous but I think that the fear of people knowing your identity drives this.

6 Jun 2013 12:08

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Stan Attabar I have never made any slanderous remarks about Mike Desquenes, in fact I said on 8th Aug 2011 on this site that if it was him, as I was told, that he should be ashamed followed by a further comment on the 10th actually stating that I doubted that it was him, I also stated that my manager, not me, took his beer out because of the constant interference he was causing. Please don’t assume things are true through hearsay it does you no credit.

Your comments about the food can only be just a pathetic dig as the previous comment you made here concerned your inability to get a seat for food at another establishment.

I would imagine that you are quite close to Mike and that you are keen to be seen to be a follower and have probably, proudly, shown him the comments. I am not obnoxious, far from it, and you couldn’t have found me so objectionable if you were a frequent visitor and, in your own words, loved the place.

And not that it is any of your business, and I would love to be able to drink the Ales, but I suffer from diabetes and Holsten Pils suits me as it has no sugar content.

Stop trying so hard to fit in with your friends by making undeserved and hateful comments that do this pub and the customers no justice. I’ll let you know the difference here to another pub I could mention, my customers have better things to do than sit around complaining of other people behind their backs.

12 Feb 2013 16:36

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Hi Everyone

I see a nice comment from a customer continues to prompt vindictive comments, george3 how will people take you seriously, I know who beardless wonder is, which is more than you obviously do.
Of the twelve comments left here by you, seven are horrible comments about the pub, five of which are plainly attacking me personally. What a sad little man you are, no wonder your wife did what she did.
A word of caution, if you genuinely hate me and the pub, be advised to stay away.
Oh, by the way good luck for the future.

12 Sep 2012 11:50

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Vic, I didn�t come to the door for two reasons one I had just got out of the bath and two I couldn�t trust myself. Your sorrow stems from the fact that I exposed you and now all the villagers know what you truly feel about them. I had known for months who scorpiondragon was, I didn�t want to expose you I even threatened to do so if you didn�t calm it down but you are like a petulant child and won�t let it go, you forced my hand to expose you and now you sorry for your actions and the consequences.
As to the matter of the alleged hacking of this site, dream on, the reason I knew it was you was the style of your rants, the arrogance of your views and comments made to other customers that mirrored the comments made here.
Just let it go.

29 Oct 2011 11:52

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Well well, Geo3 has resurfaced. Nice to see you back, nine comments in total here from you of which six are negative comments about this pub, but the problem is that you seem to run contrary to the popular comments, I wonder why that is. Apart from the comments that is of your schizophrenic, multi-personality mate who was uncovered here.

Be very careful, how difficult do you think it would be to uncover a aged ex-computer programmer who wrote software as a profession ages ago? You see I know more than you think.

28 Oct 2011 22:54

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

It really is unfair that any pub business can be attacked so badly with no comeback, it is a fault of these blog-sites and affects businesses very negatively, a lot of my business comes from all around the country and the first thing they do when looking for a place to stay in the area is check out this site.

I�ve been casting out the ground bait for the last couple of months to catch this guy, who I knew must still frequent the pub, true to form a bite then another and I landed the great fat flounder, his name is Vic, disliked by most customers because of his continuous carping on about how this or that doesn�t suit him. I have been tolerant, pointed out that most people who dislike the pub and it�s clients would choose to go elsewhere, but oh no, the hateful rants just continued.

Well Vic you�re exposed now, no longer able to hide behind anonymity and you�ll probably find yourself an object of ridicule by the customers that you have chosen to insult here.

Good luck and oh yes, over and out.

19 Aug 2011 15:58

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Oh yes I do recall that particular lunch but my memory of it may not be yours. As I remember it was a busy Sunday, Fathers Day I think, I was working behind the bar serving you, you congratulated me in my having franchised out the restaurant and how you thought it was a good thing and complimenting Mark, the franchisee, on being a lovely guy. 45 minutes later you�re in my face complaining that after an hour you were still waiting to be seated in the restaurant and demanding that I dropped everything there and then and get it sorted. Get it sorted were your actual words said very rudely in front of the whole pub. You knew and acknowledged that I had passed responsibility for the working of the restaurant over to Mark, you even approved, but you held me responsible for your dinner being late. Gets even weirder, I asked Mark about the problems that you complained bitterly of, he said that it was strange because you never mentioned it to him, in fact he said that you complimented him on the meal, bought him a brandy and gave him a very nice tip.

You have become a very bitter person, I won�t say man because you�re not one.

19 Aug 2011 09:00

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Scorpiondragon I uncover you and what do you do but change to a new identity, lol. You really have issues.

Be a man, confront me, tell all in the pub how bad I really am, ask my staff to tell customers all the horrible things that I inflict upon them, and then when you have done that brave act be prepared for my customers and my staff to confront you, I won't even need to do it.

You are a weak, craven, childish, scared person who needs counseling, get a grip, unlike you I am proud of my four boys, they are unlikely to be involved with the law courts. When you involve my family it does get personal, no-one ever names peoples family of the web for obvious reasons.

If you are a man come into the pub, according to you there's no guarantee that I'll be there but, on the off-chance and I am, let�s discuss it personally. You won't, COWARD.

18 Aug 2011 18:14

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Another rant by a VICarious idiot, who lives in the VICinity spreading his VICious outpourings, beware I'm not a VICtim.

I sell my VICtuals, go about my business, which is not your business, minding my own business. I don't see why I should suffer because of the VICissitudes of one idiot's opinion. And as to his comments of my family, I will be VICtorious, beware I'm now watching you.

Julie will be so disappointed.

16 Aug 2011 08:41

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

You cannot believe how happy I am that you have finally found a place that you feel comfortable in. I am happy that you've come out and said so.

What was the remark about gays about? Are you a little uncomfortable with it, leave them alone, I've met them and they're nice guys.

Or if they upset you will they in turn have to suffer the tirage of mad rants.

12 Aug 2011 11:45

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

Get help, seriously get medical help.

This is a purely objective observation, totally impartial and with only your best interest at heart.

12 Aug 2011 08:49

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

My goodness scorpiondragon what a radical shift from "I'm only trying to help you Landlord with my impartial, objective and unbiased observations". You expose yourself every day with your rants, even your friends will start to avoid you if you carry on with your poisoinous attacks.

Take advice, get help, avoid conflict. Every day that you are here, squealing on about how bad things are for you, you make yourself look more stupid, ignorant and cowardly.

I already spend a lot of time in the pub with customers laughing at your comments, they are pathetic, keep feeding the fires, you have no idea the fun I'm having.

Thanks for making my life so enjoyable, you really, really, are making my days.


11 Aug 2011 17:00

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Scorpiondragon you need to calm down, you're no youngster and I think if the blood pressure doesn't get you the mental health act will. No friends of mine go elsewhere and slag me off, if they did, twit, they could hardly be classed as friends. Now go get a life before it's too late.

Thank you to all the loyal supporters of the pub, and it can't be helped but be noticed that the people that like the beers here do not slink away behind anonimity like a child behind his mothers skirts. Scorpiondragon you are a craven coward.

11 Aug 2011 11:50

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

I take it, my small-minded amigo, that you still frequent the pub. I never thought that Big-nose was scorpiondragon. Never said as much, in fact I said that I would be shocked if it was. Why do you keep coming into a pub that is operated by a person so odious as myself, you are sick and I worry about people like you, stewing, seething with comtempt but presumeably nice to my face. Phyco.

10 Aug 2011 11:24

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Lol, I take it I was right.

9 Aug 2011 17:55

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Mike Desquenes if you are scorpiondragon you need to be ashamed, your beer was removed by my Manager, Glenn because he could not put up with your constant interference in the cellar. It was not personal between you and I, just business. I'm really shocked if it is you, your credability will take a large nose dive (no pun intended, much), and I will make sure of it. And pre-Holsten days, do you mean 1990? It was boarded up when I bought the pub early in 1991, get your facts right and grow up.

8 Aug 2011 13:07

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Oh dear scorpiondragon, is it because there have been some good reviews that you feel the compulsion to rubbish the pub, what a sad little creature you are. Do you sit there night after night working away at finding ways to undermine the pub, you are sick, get help. Professional help. If people take the time to look at your reviews they will see the truth, all of them, nine that is, apart from one, are horrible comments designed to harm this business, and even the one other review is really just warning people not to go to this pub.

seriously get help.

31 Jul 2011 23:28

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

There seems to be a lot of inconsistencies in comments left here by anti-B&W campaigners, if you dislike the beers on offer at the pub you are, according to those �people�, a good judge, alternatively if you enjoy the beers offered you are at best an idiot and don�t know what you are talking about. Goodness, they accuse me of being arrogant, a mirror wouldn�t go amiss.

The truth is that there isn�t a beer brewed that will suit all tastes, my Dad swore by Courage Best, others would say that you�d need courage to drink it. There are a lot of different beers on offer throughout the Village and obviously according to the campaigners a lot better Licensees, so why not quit your whinging and take a walk, you would probably not last long in my company in any case.

Rather amusing the comments made about the gallons of bottled beers, lager and spirits that I�m selling, selling to exactly who, as we are empty, according to the hate blogs.

I am known to speak my mind and am unafraid to say things if provoked, I don�t hide behind anonymity, sniping pathetic messages out.

Get a life, you�re here just the once try to enjoy life.

2 Jul 2011 15:00

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

What a strange comment by littlecon, why would I find the need to bribe a customer to write a good report when others are happy to. And really, to what point, it would only be swiftly followed by another negative review full of spite and personal abuse from small minded, pathetic people or is it person with multible accounts.

There are ample pubs in the area from openly gay to reserved and cliquey and many in between, everyone has a choice and you would make that choice by choosing not to frequent an establishment you dislike, unless of course you have already been excluded from the aforementioned, is that the case?

29 Jun 2011 13:03

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Wonderful to see the fairground back again.

Glorious day yesterday.

Beers are excellant.

Pub looks wonderful.

Food is fantastic.

Accomodation is really luxurious.

Locals are really friendly.

Bar staff are so welcoming.

Great location.

Fantastic Landlord.

Great walks nearby.

Farnham Park a few minutes away.

Easy parking.

Best pub in the area.

Landlord owned since 1991.

He must be doing something right.

28 Jun 2011 10:57

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Grub great, Beers excellant, Twats abundant. What more needs to be said.

12 Apr 2011 11:53

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Just a note to wish everyone a happy New Year, and hope you all have a prosperous one. The Pub is doing very well and all the Beers are being well received by the guests of the Pub. The food is excellent and with the help of our new Chef, Josie, will continue to see improvement.

The hate campaign launched by a competitor has subsided and things have settled down quite nicely. Thank you those in particular, who wrote such good things about us, it is rewarding when you try to be supportive of the community, to see recognition.

Good luck.

20 Jan 2011 17:15

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Hi, I needed to make a comment on the negative reports posted here recently of The Ball & Wicket. There is a malicious campaign currently to promote another local pub at our expense, using whatever dirty tricks to undermine the pub by individuals who lack the courage to engage Gary face to face. For the record and to clear up any misunderstandings, Mike Desquenes was banned because he was turning up infrequently, determined to encourage as many as possible to go to the other pub mentioned, not because he had the courage to suggest the beer was awful, I'm afraid that as with the aforementioned authors of spite he would not have had the courage to do that.

12 Jul 2010 12:40

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

Excellant beers still brewed here, the consistency is good and the quality is very good. Have to say this is a very dog friendly place now and very community orientated which is nice to see. The forthcoming new restaurant should be a real bonus for the area as it plans to concentrate on traditional home-cooked pub grub. The staff are always helpful and friendly and the customers seem to range from doddery octagenarians and young folks. Went there for Paddys night it was packed, what a great atmosphere.

19 Mar 2009 16:44

The Alma, Heath End

Yet again another Landlord scarpered, what is wrong with this pub? And by the way hotlegs (Martin) I do know you.

27 Jan 2008 12:31

The Ball and Wicket, Heath End

The Pub did suffer with consistency when the last Brewer was brewing and he was sacked but for the last two months a new Brewer has been in place and won Best Ale at a local beer festival recently, so I would suggest that people give it a try and then applaud the owners for returning brewing back to pubs, not the national, mass produced, ubiquetous beer found elsewhere. Very disappointed with the comments made by "hotlegs" who then praises highly the Ball & Wicket's nearest rival, almost as if they had a vested interest, hmmmmmm.

22 Nov 2007 13:31

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