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Halfway House, Walton on Thames

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user reviews of the Halfway House, Walton on Thames

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Below I have pasted in the review which I have posted for the 'Old House at Home'. The reason being for this, is that I find it to be relevant.

I have some good memories of this pub, and was shocked on returning to Walton to see some flats in-place.

"This wasn't the greatest pub in Hersham/Walton, but it still had it's character.
I just find it sad to see another of our pub's closed down ("our" as in the country's). A chapter in history for Hersham is over - Like-wise around the whole country. I think that there are many contributing factors to the closing down of our pubs.

One of which is the expanding chains of "Pubs", such as J.D Wetherspoon. With their buying-power and purchases of 'end of life' alcohol, they are able to dominate towns and cities through-out the U.K. I personally feel that these places are not pubs, but more-like warehouses with seats. The atmosphere of a pub is non-existent in these chains.

Many could argue that these "establishments" offer greater opportunities for younger people, such as apprenticeships, and are able to allocate more jobs than those alike 'The Old Halfway House'. I can see the argument, but to every capitalist venture, there is always a good sales-team behind them to force you to see light on the negative facts.

I also blame the breweries, for charging land-lords through the nose per-barrel, when in common-sense, one would think that it should be the other way around (of course I am sure there are factors as to why this is the case, which I am un-aware of).

The U.K is very unique when it comes to the traditional pub. Around the world there are mostly bars - Not pubs. Our pub is dying out. I feel very sad when a pub closes it's doors for the last time, and in most cases for it to be knocked down and for property developments.

I am not right-wing in any shape or form, and I feel sad to mention this within this post, and talk about a political party. Although I can not vote for this party, I was very enlightened to see that U.K.I.P and Nigel Farage have dedicated a part of their manifesto to saving the British Pub.

If only as a country, and in order to save what small amount of heritage we have left, we could take this more seriously. Just a thought, but how lovely and healthy would it be for community to have cooperative pubs.

I think of the laughter and warmness glow within those once-upon a time pubs and all the positives. I think of the happiness and community in which the British pub provideds.

R.I.P 'The Halfway House' - You are missed already."

VerminWatch - 25 Jan 2012 08:03
this pub has been demolished and is now a block of flats.
gazzard - 29 Mar 2005 16:22
One day it was a fully working pub, next day it was ripped apart. Can only agree with R and Geoff that it is a shame, and a scandal!! Who needs more crap offices, or "luxury" flats..
Mike - 19 Sep 2003 17:53
This is now an ex-pub - it was demolished over the weekend of 7-8 September ! Pity - it wasn't a particularly nice pub but it was a fine old late Victorian building. Apparently it is to be replaced by some ghastly faceless office building.
Geoff - 8 Sep 2003 23:24
...Has been closed now as of late August. Shame.
R - 29 Aug 2003 13:39
There are rumours that this pub will soon be closed down. Which will be a pity as it is very historic Pub. Has had a shady past. But is actually better at the moment than it has been.
Mike - 24 Mar 2003 15:34

got anything to say about this pub?

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