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BITE user profile - surferboy01

Profile information

Username: surferboy01

Age: 36

Sex: ?

Latest comments by surferboy01

The Cyder House Inn, Shackleford

pub crawler is the landlord of the cyder house by the way. i worked with him before i went back to uni and he told the staff. the only reason he is putting comments on his own page is because he is a sad, pathetic man who doesn't know how to run his own buissness and gets everybody stressed.

6 Sep 2008 14:19

The Cyder House Inn, Shackleford

i went into the pub and was trying to get a beer and one of the bar staff(a tall blonde man) just stood there talking whilst i was trying to get his attention. once i got his attention he seemed very rude. the landlord also seemed a little bit blashy with one of his staff and obviously was finding it very hard with the amount of people in there. all in all i think its got nice decor but a bit random but the owner doesn't really know how to run his buissness.

6 Sep 2008 14:09

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surferboy01 has been registered on this site since 6th September 2008