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BITE user profile - fitzmcmuffin

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Username: fitzmcmuffin

Age: 41

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Latest comments by fitzmcmuffin

Nambucca, Upper Holloway

First and foremost, Nambucca is a 300 capacity live music venue.
It�s �lack of imagination in the beer department� isn�t relevant. And at �2.50 a pint I can hardly see how you can call the place expensive.
Neither is the PA particularly loud. Granny at the council won�t allow it, and there�s sound limiters installed on the decks making it quieter than your average club. Maybe you should spend the night in having a cup of tea with her if your eardrums are falling out.
Typical Holloway scumbags? I can�t think of any other similar-sized venue with so few problems in terms of people fighting. Every night bouncers stand at the doors, and every night they have nothing to do because inside everyone�s so friendly to each other.
Oh no! �3 entry price on a Saturday! I don�t know how you coped for the rest of the month until pay day. Promoters book bands to play, bands play and need money to cover their costs, so you pay money to get in � if you hadn�t noticed, it�s the way the world works. The fact that it�s on Holloway Road makes no difference. In fact, why should you have to travel to central London every time you want to see live bands?
And I�m not even gonna start on that �dangerous chair� theory�
Nambucca hosts several of the best club nights, has put on many of the fine bands in music at the moment, and does some of best Thai food in North London.

12 May 2006 17:06

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fitzmcmuffin has been registered on this site since 12th May 2006