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BITE user profile - cheels

Profile information

Username: cheels

Age: 43

Sex: ?

Latest comments by cheels

The Bent Arms, Lindfield

NEVER EVER EVER book to stay here. We booked the whole place out for the weekend of our wedding and thankfully called to check all was okay with the booking. After waiting a few days for someone to get back to us we were advised that an error had been made and that when they had copied over the bookings in to their new diary they had put ours in for the wrong month and the dates we had booked were now taken by someone else - however, for the inconvenience we could pop in for a free pint - because that really makes up for needing to find 10 rooms for our wedding. I really couldn't quite believe the incompetence and lack of real apology.

9 Feb 2011 17:34

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cheels has been registered on this site since 9th February 2011