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BITE user profile - artdeco1

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Latest comments by artdeco1

The Bowling Green Hotel, Wigan

Yes Freddy i am calling you a liar,and i think you have a some gripe with this pub,for whatever reason i don't know.We took over this pub in Sept 2009 and we are still here and doing really well.The price of cask ale when you said you came in was �2.70 per pint it is now �2.75.You also say you were the only person in on a saturday night and one barman on duty.Utter and complete lies we have at least 8 staff on saturday nights including 2 pot collectors.I rest my case your a liar.Blue Scrumpy's review is genuine and i would agree Saturday afternoons in Jan/Feb are very quiet but do build up as the weather gets warmer.

23 May 2012 12:04

The Bowling Green Hotel, Wigan

Hello im the landlord of this pub,the comment left by freddy is complete lies,we have never charged �3.20 for a pint of cask ale.It is �2.70 across the board regardless of the strength, and it is not empty!Are you sure you were in this pub freddy?

12 Dec 2010 01:52

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artdeco1 has been registered on this site since 12th December 2010