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BITE user profile - amdalton

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Latest comments by amdalton

The Fox and Grapes, Wimbledon Common

This is no longer a pub. It is a restaurant with a bar in the middle. There are a few stools round the bar, but very little space for drinkers. Drinks prices are sky high. The food isn't cheap either - a cumberland sausage and mash �13.50 + 12.5% service i.e. over �15.

The expensive refurbishment is a mess. They have tried to keep one or two of the orignial features, but ended up with something that looks neither old nor modern, just ugly.

The atmosphere does not have the relaxed feel of a pub or the quieter buzz of a good restaurant. As they clearly want to run a restaurant not a pub they should have gone the whole hog. I haven't tried the food so I can't comment on its quality, but as a pub this is a disaster.

The Crooked Billet and the Hand in Hand will be very busy.

11 Feb 2011 13:22

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