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BITE user profile - SallyC

Profile information

Username: SallyC

Age: 53

Sex: ?

Latest comments by SallyC

Janets Bar, South Kensington

1 x single G & T, 2 x single rum & cokes, 1 x daiquiri = �29. When asked why the drinks were so expensive, we were told - there's free music. Well then, it's clearly not free. We were also told it was a singles bar and later saw a fifty something hitting on two twenty somethings. Urghh... Plastic glasses - tacky. A bar festooned with cartoon images of the owner made the whole thing seemed like one massive vanity project that punters were paying for. It is intimate, and the music was fine, but the extortionate bar prices mean I won't be going back again.

29 Jun 2008 22:54

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SallyC has been registered on this site since 29th June 2008